Hi Maria2016 I have been diagnosed with non-acid reflux and I suffer from LPR. My first pH test, before the Nissen fundoplication, showed 48 reflux events (11 acidic, 37 non acid). After the surgery...
Hello all. Here is some more update: After the Nissen fundoplication, I went through 2 new rounds of endoscopies, manometries, pH studies and barium swallows. Here are the results: Barium swallows:...
All I am 9 months post Nissen to "cure" a mild case of LPR and I have been totally miserable since I decided to do the surgery. I have seen 7 different doctors and they all seem skeptical that the...
Dec 11 Your story is very similar to mine. I had the Nissen fundoplication done in Nov 2015, and things dramatically became worse after that. I am actually waiting to get the Nissen reverted. For...
Have you done an esophageal manometry test. This test measures the functioning of your esophagus. I have similar throat problems. Although the pH study showed no abnormal reflux, the manometry...
Dan I had the same problems after my Nissen. After the surgery, I drop all the PPIs (not that they working anyway) and I noticed the appearance of a bitter taste in my mouth and worsening of the sore...
The stories described here are very similar to mine. I had the Nissen fundoplication done, and things dramatically became worse after that. I am actually waiting to get the Nissen reverted. For...
Dear all After a short period of what I thought it would be a path to recovery, things went back to be terrible again. My symptoms have worsened dramatically. I now have a 24/7 burning mouth/tongue,...
Dear all I am back for another update. I am now 8 weeks after the Nissen and things started to get better. After talking to my doctor, I started taking Reglan to help the movement of the food through...
Dear all Here is another update - I am now at 4 weeks after the fundoplication The past few days have been dreadful. My throat is in flames again with lots of saliva, despite of taking 40mg of...
Dear all. Just wanted to give an update on my situation: I am now 3 weeks post Nissen. Still some difficulty eating solid, so I am sticking to soft foods. Did a barium swallow two days ago and the...
Thanks Martin. It has been incredibly frustrating. I haven't been able to sleep even with a wedge pillow and waiting 4 hours to go to bed after the evening meal. The feeling of desperation is...
Dear all I am desperate and need some guidance. I am 7 days post-op from a Nissen fundoplication to fix my LPR. Surgery went well and I had to stay just overnight in the hospital. I was able to move...