Thanks straydog. My problem is the red goes away but when I am tan, I can still see the circles from the electrodes months later...
I went in for my stress test on Monday. Dr. said everything was ok. Said the chest pains were not heart related. Today I notice that I had red circles on my chest where the electrodes were attached....
Well I went to my family doctor yesterday. He wanted me to have another EKG. After it was done he compared it to one I had a few years ago. Apparently it was abnormal. A T-wave that was once normal... wife seems to think it's anxiety but I don't. I am in the process of getting a new cardiologist. Hopefully I will have an appointment set up in the next few days....
Update....I've been having chest pains for the past week. It has been in the center of my upper chest. Its a dull pain that starts in the morning and gradually gets worse and by late evening it goes...
UPDATE - Saw the Cardiologist on Tuesday, He said my arteries were great w/no visible clogs. Heart was good too but need to keep checking aneurysm every 6 months. He did not say what has caused the...
I had my Nissen fundoplication surgery around 1992. I have a nice scar from my bellybutton up to my ribs. For the past year or so I have been having chest pains. I was diagnosed with a 4.5cm TAA...
Well i went into the hospital Sunday because of some odd chest pains. They kept me overnight and I had a CTA, a chest X-ray and a heart catheter. My thoracic aorta aneurysm is a little over 4.5. Will...
Hello all. Newbie here. Here's a little about me. I am 56 and have been having heart related issues for the past 2yrs. My family has a history of heart problems. I noticed mine 2yrs ago when I...
Hello all. New to this forum. I had a nissen done the old fashion way in 1992. My belly looks like I have a zipper from my chest to my belly button. Over the years I have had a few problems but...