I just picked up some DGL at the health food store today. I REALLY hope its going to work!...
[i]Ever since my acid reflux started, my throat has been red and nasty looking but I never feel acid coming up in my throat. If feels really irritated and stuff but I never feel acid come up in my...
Oh and I forgot to add. Smetimes when I belch, food comes up in my throat. or if Im drinking something and belch then sometimes my drink will come up also, is that normal for GERD?...
Thank you sillylilly and troubled tummy, I will try all that stuff and see if it helps! Thanks again!! Ill keep you updated! Vicxxxx...
[i]Hey everyone! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Anyway Im new here and I think I have GERD. Im taking prilosec and it seems to help but Im still having problems, I have burning in my stomache that goes around to...