Katy, Thank you for the reply. I hope you are doing well today... As for your question about the UVB therapy, I opted for it after being taken off of Enbrel instead of going onto another injectable,...
Katy, Reading your posts is so familiar to me...I can feel your pain /community/emoticons/sad.gif . Here is my story, I am sure you will relate: about a year ago I began a slow decent to horrible...
I am a wimp...I admit. The sight of blood or the thought of needles makes me a little woosy. I figure Enbrel is the worlds way of having me face one of my bigger fears...funny how it works like that!...
I agree...many of our fears have physical symptoms that are totally in our heads...I have exteme anxiety before my injections and it ends up being not so bad but then I thnk that I am getting a...
Thank you both so much for the input!! It is all very helpful! I have indeed been icing the injection area before and after injection and found that this indeed does ease the reactions a little, they...
HI all! I want to say that this is the most supportive group I have ever encountered on the web!! I have been browsing comments for a couple days now and have gained some wonderful insight and tips...