HI PhoebeE, I too have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for over ten years now. It satrted when I was fourteen and has only gotten worse since then. I too have tried talking to a psychologist...
Its never good to hold onto anger. Besides if she's all that Greedy she'll get what she deserves in due time. The old saying, What comes around goes around is quite true. Be patient, you'll see, soon...
/community/emoticons/shakehead.gif I can totally relate. I'm coming down with some kind of cold. Robitussin don't even seem to be helping. Did you know that when your cold and sick you are actully...
yes I was able to get them refilled with getting a headache in the process.LOL. I had no trouble getting my sons but mine they were a little hesitant. Needless to say they did refill it. Thank you...
I have something that I feel you could really find helpful right now. It has helped me through so many hard times. I hope it helps you like it has helped me. WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT This is God. Today...
Alot dosen't even seem to cover it! I will call both my doctors today and see what they have to say. ON top of all this happening my house got broke into and all the medications, including my...
I agree. you need to speak with a doc about the way you are feeling. There are so many different meds out there now. Please don't be afaird to tell your doctor you are uncomfortable with a...
It sounds all too familiar. I was diagnosised with severe anxiety over two years ago. And I only take mine as I need it. This keeps me from developing a dependancy to it. You need to understand that...
Thank you Chartreux! I tried what you said. The Tylenol is not the problem. Its the proproxphene. My doctor has since then given me Tylenol 3 which was not helpful in any way. She since than has...
/community/emoticons/cry.gif I have literally just found out that I'm allergic to darvocet and Am curious as to weather or not there is any one else out the that is allergic too. My reaction to it...