BWald, I'm glad Joy posted about Ayr. My Walgreens doesn't carry it but Walmart does if you have any trouble finding it. I find it to be very helpful. That's so scary how fast Asthma can turn into...
I'm sorry to hear that your asthma progressed to COPD SnowyLynne. I'm in my early thirties and just had a baby this past year so I'm still in a bit of shock by the whole experience I've never had a...
Thanks for all your post. I haven't heard anything new except that my low oxygen was from Asthma. Nothing showed gerd or acid reflex from my understanding. I was able to go on oxygen only at night...
/community/emoticons/smhair.gif Long story short I went to urgent care because I thought I had a sinus infection/chest cold. I never put it together that my asthma was acting up because it has been...