Thank you for the information and suggestions. The shakiness she was getting was separate from the Albuterol shakiness which is why her doctor thought it was probably part of withdrawal. She's 15 so...
Thanks for the suggestion about her adrenals. I've been wondering the same thing and reading about them....
Anyone else have major side effects from inhaled steroids? My 15 yr old is struggling and wondering what other people who have lots of side effects from inhaled steroids have ended up on instead....
Bekster - Do you have a favorite site/book for info on alkaline diets? I'm trying to eat more alkaline but am still having some symptoms. I'd like some additional resources to figure out the right...
I have problems with daily diarhea as well. It started with the PPI's and has continued with Zantac (I'm unable to take the PPI's - too many side effects). For me, I'm also have many more BM's than...
Hello - I'm currently taking Zantac (unable to take any PPI's) and my doc wants to switch me to Axid. Anyone have experience with it? How did it work? -Karen...
I tried going low carb about a month ago and it really helped my GERD. Problem was that I just couldn't seem to get enough calories and dropped more weight that I can't afford to lose. Now my...
Nell - I'm 46 and going through the same thing. I have GERD/Gastritis and terrible anxiety. This started mid December with what I thought was an allergic reaction - felt like my throat was closing. I...