I had IV hydrocortisone so I suspect that kicks in either faster than pred. Still bizarre though. I’m feeling load better and can eat normally and function again. I was discharged yesterday after my...
Just an update - my MRI was normal! No thickening, no narrowing, no fistula, no active Crohns apparently! Not sure how the MRI could be normal with no active Crohns and an X-ray ray 4 days earlier...
Thanks so much for your advice! I’ve been transitioned to budesonide since yesterday and awaiting my MRI scan tomorrow hopefully afterwards I might get discharged! I did have a really good...
I would be happy to start stelera. I don’t think my mental health could cope with an MS diagnosis on top of crohns. The only thing I enjoy in life is hiking and going on holiday and if they were...
Thank you. The other issue is that I had optic neuritis in 2007 putting me at risk of MS so have read I shouldn’t have the anti - TNFs, I’ve also read entivro takes ages to work and I don’t feel like...
Pain ramped up so I took myself to A&E and an X-ray showed my bowel to be inflamed I think the edge was thickened? And I think gas was stuck. I think I’m going to be here for 24 hours and receive...
Thanks, I was misdiagnosed with perforated appendicitis when I had my op and so was on nothing until 2016. I was then diagnosed and it was discovered actually a crohns ulcer had perforated before. I...
Hello, I have crohns in the terminal ileum and take 50 mcg azathioprine per day. I have been feeling slightly off every few months throughout the year. I don’t know if it’s because I put weight on...
Hi thanks for your replies. I am on 50mg as 75mg caused my WBC to drop. My weight is 51kg and I’m 164cm. After my surgery I felt FANTASTIC for about 2-3 years and I was on no meds during that time as...
Hello, I’ve had Crohn’s disease 13 years although was not diagnosed for all that time. I have had a perforated bowel and abscess that required an open resection which all went well and no...
Sounds like an obstruction to me I’d consider going to hospital when it hits....
Get to the ER it sounds like a bowel obstruction...
http://journals.lww.com/jpgn/Abstract/2017/09000/Lack_of_Mucosal_Healing_From_Modified_Specific.10.aspx ...
I definitely think do a stool test. I also think now would be a good time to do a colonoscopy since you had one two years ago and a lot can change in two years when you are not on any meds. I don’t...
There are Olympic medal winners with both Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. If you are well you can live your life as normal and you can certainly go to the gym. If you aren't well you should...
My doctor said you may get the odd false F.C. but not multiple. 2000 is too high to just be explained by IBS. I can only assume during the tests the problem is getting missed. It’s perhaps too high...
I agree the mesalazine would be a good shout as if it doesn’t clear up your symptoms then you know to get your small bowel tested (as that medication just works in the colon). While an MRE and CT...
When I was diagnosed my fecal calproctectin was 65, CT scan was normal, MRE was normal but my colonoscopy showed ulcers. I have heard of people being diagnosed after a pill cam when their colonoscopy...
Hello, anyone know why a fecal calproctectin test result might yo-yo? Over the past year my results have been: Aug 2015: 65 March 2016: 70 June 2016: 60 September 2016: 142 December 2016: 72 March...
Hi all, I had a resection in December 2011 after which I felt AMAZING like I had been reborn. I eventually flared and took prednisolone for the first time which I didn't feel helped me - I think I...
Omg I get this exact pain! Only mine lasts all day and sometimes for days at a time!! Mine completely went away after my resection and then came back 3 and half years later when I flared. I have...
Before my resection I never used to get D. Then after it I had it kind of similar to what you describe for a couple of months. It eventually subsided. I noticed lactose such as milk was making it...
Definitely get the stool test - specifically fecal calproctectin, which looks for inflammation in the intestines....
Thank you <3...
Hello, I am on azathioprine (50mg since April 2016 and upped to 75mg in March 2017). I get my bloods checked every few weeks, last time I got them checked on 11th April. I have received two calls...
Hello, I had a perforation and abscess. My surgery was an emergency and open rather than laproscopic so it was pretty major!! However I still did not need an ostomy and recovered well. I felt great...
I've not had my biopsy results, not sure I will get to know much of what they say (due to my GI managing my 'anxieties'). Do you think SIBO could cause the terminal ileum/anastomosis to ache, which...
Thanks so much! The reason she ran that test the first time round was to test me for lactose intolerance. I will ask her to do it again. Should hopefully be seeing her maybe next month or so. I agree...
Thank you so much for your help. I have no idea why my GI does not think it is likely. I think she thinks I am just anxious but I don't think anxiety would cause pain to my anastomosis and foul...
Hey just to add some more information - I never have diahorrea so was thinking c-diff is unlikely or am I wrong? I've had my blood tested regularly for folate, fbc, b12 not sure what else but I asked...
Hello, I had a bowel resection in 2011 for a perforation at the ileum (diagnosed then with Crohn's, which was later retracted and then rediagnosed). Prior to that I experienced years of stomach...
Hello, I am sorry to hear what you are going through. Prior to my diagnosis my symptoms were occasional cramps. The pain was above my belly button and below my ribs kind of in the between part. It...
Hi all, I have had asthma since a baby and was on Clenil Modulite 200mcg inhaler preventer for several years. After being diagnosed with Crohn's disease and prescribed immune suppressants I have...
Hi everyone, I have had psoriasis on my scalp since the beginning of my teenage years. A couple of years ago it developed around my lips. I had to keep using hydrocortisone on it. Then I started...
I would be wary about getting another CT scan so soon after the last due to the radiation. Can you not get an MRI scan with contrast instead? Sometimes this is a more useful test anyway for Crohn's....
You could try LDN, Anti-MAP therapy, Mongerson, cannabis oil, stem cell transplant, clinical trials? I am in the UK and certainly in our mainstream hospitals it is pharmaceuticals (from the bottom...
Hello, I have had one resection before which was done open as an emergency. I asked on another forum whether this would mean I would never be a candidate for lapro resections in the future and I got...
Hi, yes sometimes biopsies cannot 100% confirm Crohn's disease. For me I had to have an emergency bowel resection and pathology looked at the piece of bowel removed and even said then there was no...
I wouldn't recommend waiting for surgery until it becomes an emergency situation. That's when you are more likely to need open surgery as opposed to laparoscopic, are more likely to need a stoma, and...
Just wanted to say you aren't alone - I started my PhD in October this year and am struggling through at the moment with awful symptoms and my supervisors are blissfully unaware. I'm sad because I...
This is excellent advice. For young people hitting Crohn's hard with the strongest medication has the best long-term outcomes....
Hello, I went to Machu Picchu 2 years after an ileocecal bowel resection. I actually spent three months travelling (one month USA, one month Central America and one month South America). I had a...