I am finally going to a specalist, It is an allergy/astma clinic. Any sudjestions for good questions, or things to bring up. I am having a mold problem in my home that I think is making me worse. I...
I had a VERY bad doc while I had my last hospital stay. If you get him agin, ask for another doc if they have one. You know your body and have rights. As for the steroids, I think they are a fact of...
One of the side effects listed on the duo ned is mucle cramps. They have been kicking my bum to! I wake up with them in my legs(ahhhhhhhhhh) Hang in there. We will get better. Love Kris...
Hi Kani, I just went up on my Advir and finally seem to be getting the asthma under control. I hope u are feeling better. I agree, You most likley benifit more from the stress releif of walking, than...
I to am where you are at. I am on the second round of streoids and on th duo neb. I have been doing the breathing treatments for about 7weeks, Between the two I have had rapid heart rate, blurred...
I have been off and on the predslone since October! I have been off for about thee weeks? I am still ver emotional, face is still a little full, My stomach is still jacked, So instead of gaining...
Ok guys, I have been home for over a month, I am able to go5to6 hrs at night with no chest tightness. But I have chest tightnessm burning in my lungs and shortness of breath. I am still on the 4hr...
I was on predisone last month. It is not a nice drug! It helped me get my asthma simi under control. But it tore up my stomach, made me sick, moody,vision changes, Full face ect..... I am just now...
I feel your pain!!!! I feel that way every AM when I get up, I have to do my nebulizer to live normaly. Maybe see if that is an option and give it a try. This seems to be a hard yr. Perfume sets me...
Sorry that you are haveing a hard time. I would go to the DR asap. That could be any number of things. But to me it is serious being so close to the brain. Do not mean to scare you, but I would hate...
I new to all the meds. I have had mild athma that turned on me this yr. 2 er trips and one delight ful hospital stay and a nice 3 monthvacation from work. Which part of the world are u from? Hang in...
I am on the adivair disk and the albteral every 4hr except pm then I can go 5to6urs. I have had some bad attacks i am having to do alot to get back, seems like a bad fall>winter for alot of us....
If you have not seen a doc, I would go asap. genaraly when there is color there is an infection or something serious. I hope ypu get to feeling better. K...
Do they have an old furnace? The one we have has been a trigger for me. Also candles, perfume, fireplaces all mess with me. K...
Thanks for the reply and info. K...
Pets really mess with me. You might want to also shapoo his rug and if you have an older funace, get it cleaned. I am new to alot of this so am trying and figureing out what works. A vaporizer with...
How long dose it take after a bad astma attack to recover? I had 2 that put me in hospital on the last one. It has been 2 weeks and I am still weak and not even at 50%. I am used to being very active...
Some timed decreaded oxygyn in the the blood can cause body aches and crampes or you may have an illness and need to see a doctor. Hope you feel better. K...
Hi I am a new be, I have had two ER attacks the last ending in a 4 day hospital stay. I am now home. But am on every 4hr nebulizer treatment, oral sterioda and inhaled also. The doc says the aattacks...