Tennis, I am 35 now, but when I was your age, I was really intent on projecting a certain image to everyone, friends, teachers, family--and I suffered through a lot of frustrations and problems...
Oh, Anastasia, I forgot to tell you, my panic attacks are like 90% at night, after I've gotten in bed. I have a psychiatrist friend who's told me that a person's real problems always come to the...
Dear Anastasia, I really feel for you. Oh, just know that you are receiving a big virtual hug. Your panic attacks sound in some ways similar to mine. When they were occuring more often, I had a...
Hang in there. The only good thing about having these feelings is knowing that eventually you will feel better again. I hate that feeling that it's difficult to get through every single minute and...
lalala, This has hasn't happened to me (yet), but I did read a bunch of people talking about it on a British health anxiety forum--tons of questions from people asking about losing coordination, not...
Good luck and I'll send positive thoughts your way, Tessel...
I just want to thank you all for your amazing responses. Just reading them made me feel so much better, I got tears in my eyes. It's so funny how other people's relating their experiences makes you...
Cass, I am so sorry you feel this way and I just wanted to offer you my support. I really know what it's like to freeze up when I need to crank an assignment out for a deadline. I do freelance...
Hello, everyone, I've posted a few times before starting in late Dec. 07. I've had anxiety and PA mainly since the death of my aunt last Sept. After joining this forum at the start of the year and...
Dear Lemonz, Thanks for your reply and I'm honored that you shared some of your story with me. I am so glad for you and other IBC-sufferers that you are a success story. I will definitely keep your...
Hello, Does anyone know if there are any good websites or (work)books covering this issue? I have slowly realized that almost all of my anxiety and PA are rooted in health anxieties. I don't know if...
Thank you, I know looking up symptoms on the internet can be dangerous. I have used an antihistimine cream which hasn't seemed to help. I've also cut out most products and tried to think if I've used...
Lalala, I have health anxiety too and am the queen of heart palpitations. I haven been checked out for them 2x over the past 8 years--told both times that everything was normal and that everyone...
Hello, I have been over in the Anxiety-Panic board for awhile but never over here. But I thought perhaps someone, if they have time, could tell me if this is cause for worry? I have had an isolated...
Lyn, Thanks for your reply. Actually I didn't know hypochondria and health anxiety are two different things--I am so new to this. Thank you for letting me see I have to look into the labels I am...
Dottie, I guess I was meant to scroll down and read what you wrote, because it was exactly what I needed to hear. I am new to this forum btw, hello--I posted for the first time yesterday. I have been...
Hello, I am new to this forum but have been searching out the causes of my heart palpitations, tightness in chest and fatalistic thoughts I have been having almost daily since the quick illness and...