Kitt, It's wonderful to hear that that your sister is looking much better, I'm glad you can be there for her. My prayers are with your Family. Bless you Spin...
Thank you Hostas and Percycat. Hostas what is bio-feed? I'm starting today to change the way I eat, my husband thinks maybe if I come down off some of my weight that might help my legs and thanks to...
May you continue to take care of yourself and your family you are in my prayers (Spin)...
Thank you Kitt, she already gave me a referral to see a specialist regarding my legs that was the neurologist. I seen two they both said it's not a nerve or a neuro problem, it could be still the...
Thank you so much Hostas, no need to apologize I'm not looking for that I just need the the encourgment, and you been giving me that. Spin...
I went to see my psychiatrist and someone she wanted to sit in to hear my condition yesterday they want to keep me on the meds or try some other meds but I refuse so they want to talk it over and...
Thank you so much for caring, I was only on the meds for 2 weeks so between being on and wean off I give it a month total.Thats why nobody understand why my body is going through this I started on...
I read some forums from years back, I'm know experience viberating, shakes inside mybody I been going through this for 6 months when I had got off celexa and klonopin and my body gave me this...