sorry it took me so long to reply. i am on other medication but its only BC. and by going bathroom over and over i meant with the runs not peeing. i always get that when i have my attacks. i thought...
So I am now unable to sleep through the night. The time is now 4:50am. Ive been awake for around a half hour. And its not just being awake. I wake up drenched in sweat, my heart beating out of my...
Hey Allestria thanks for the suggestion...i did have my boyfriend rub my back and I eventually felt that spookie whoosh of blood going into my arm haha and the pain has since gone away. I do have...
thanks. i feel so crazy when i post here sometimes lol because i think of a million things to do then you say just breathe. its so simple lol. but ill look into that =)!!!...
So...I am preparing for my praxis which duh makes me a nervous wreck. But now I'm having a new pain and I wanted to ask everyones opinion on it. In my upper back (on my left side) I've been having...
it was real tight. not beating crazy used to it beating crazy fast. this was just extra scary cuz it hurt and was tight...
I was taking zoloft for a while but i gained 26lbs in two months so i went off it. i want xanax cuz i heard that works best but my doctor wont prescribe it to me...
I hate it. I have not had a p/a in a week and a half or a cigarette. Then today my chest hurts so bad I'm doubled over in pain bawling my eyes out and trying to get ready for work. I feel like I've...
Yeah they think its from the anxiety, she also said quitting smoking can throw off your breathing. And i gained 25lbs while on Zoloft so that too may have a factor in the whole breathing problem,...
im back! turns out i am just crazy lol! they took my blood (ugh) and did an ultra sound on my blood work came back really good and there was no clot in my calf so they didnt put me through...
hey guys thanks for the advice. i wasnt able to talk to the doctor so my mom is taking me to the ER right now...ill llet you know how it goes...
So Ive been having trouble breathing lately. Its an on and off thing. I quit smoking because of it, haven't had a single hit since last Thursday morning. But I'm afraid I have like a blood clot in my...
I also think it sucks that since I'm 19 i cant get xanax because obviously im going to sell it on the streets for more drug money or become ridiculously addicted to it...
I love to run and workout but i havent been able to in so long! today was the first day i could without my head feeling like it wasnt going to fall off lol. and i feel your pain on the gaining weight...
Thanks, as long as I know someone else feels like I do then I feel a bit better. The dizziness, or whooshing sensation like you said is the ABSOLUTE worst! It makes it so I cant even move sometimes...
Wow this is so deja vu for me haha! I have drank, smoked and drank coffee since I was like thirteen years old and my entire life I have always loved sweets, but when I first started having my attacks...
Hey amit! You sound a lot like me! When I started having my panic attacks around a year ago every smoking was the absolute worst problem for me! I would take a drag and I'd like feel my whole body go...
So I decided to end my little two month affair with zoloft, I've gained over twenty pounds in this short amount of time and well it just didn't seem worth it anymore considering I'm already on the...
Hey! I do the same exact thing. My parents and my boyfriend are the main people i get worried about but my parents especially. My dad has a real bad persistent cough he went to the doctor and they...
Thanks everyone! I'm back home finals are done...not sure how I did but i guess I will soon find out! Thanks so much for all the advice I did try to slow down my smoking a little and i took some...
Thanks guys! And I should clarify I meant Ive gone through four packs this week. Not today lol. Id be dead if i smoked four packs in one day!...
So I haven't been on here for a while...ive been doing really good taking my meds and everything has been fine until second to last day of finals. I've gone through like four packs of...
thanks guys! its a sorority thing so everyone will be drinking but im sure i can slide by with having one drink all night if i carry the same cup lol! i was just freaking out i didnt want to go into...
So i know you aren't supposed to drink alcohol WITH you Zoloft but how long after or before taking the Zoloft are you allowed to have a drink? I haven't drank in a LONG time and definitely not since...
Thank you so much for your story. I seriously just love going through this board and just reading about everyone's different struggles and triumphs and how they got where they are now. I am a...
Thanks everyone so much for the wonderful advice! I took they day off from classes and went a worked out a bit today and i did sign up for the MoodGym site. Ive calmed down alot i cant believe how...
I have considered therapy I'm just having trouble finding somewhere to go on campus. and thank you all for your support, although i wish no one had to feel like this its nice to know there are so...
No i dont have any xanax my mom was real mad but the doctor wouldnt prescribe it to me for some reason? I dont know why. But i am taking the day off...ive skipped all my classes so far and I'm just...
Well this is a bit pointless i just need to vent. I'm like losing my mind right now. I got into a fight with my boyfriends brother Saturday night and i haven't been able to calm down since. I'm back...
hi karen this is just my personal experience.... i started taking birth control around a year ago but not for hormone related anxiety. about a week later i had my first panic attack. i have since...
Thanks everyone! I know i should start taking the stuff before i start worrying about all the 'what ifs' lol but thats just how i am haha. Also, thank you megan for the work out suggestion. my mom...
My anxiety attacks started out like a lot of yours did. I was sitting in my journalism class senior year when out of no where i had this crazy scary feeling like i was dying i went to the nurse and...
I'm to this whole forum....and Ive been having really bad panic attacks for about a year now. Today i went to the doctors for the first time and she prescribed me Zoloft. I did a...