hope the repair guy gets you all fixed up tomorrow. no, thankfully we are not involved in the latest snowstorm, it looks HORRIBLE tho. i feel so bad for those affected. no, not in contact with any...
we are the exact opposite, pain killers make me feel crazy and xanax relaxes me..... have never heard of docs prescribing pain killers for it, but you could always ask i suppose? i don't think that...
franksmaatre, i suffer from insomnia regularly and it was really terrible at the peak of my panic/anxiety a few years back. the longer i go without sleep, the harder it is to fall asleep at all. i...
maryedythe, i understand those very well:) i'm around and about....
Hi MaryEdythe!! Great to "meet" you! yes it is terrific that we are both here, and joined on the same day too, lol. yesterday was a good day indeed:) what can i say, something just led me to this...
me too babette66, meeee toooooooooo......... it's comforting tho, to know i am not alone:)...
Hi Elen, your post touched me deeply :(......................... my thoughts are with you during this very difficult time. i lost my mom to breast cancer almost 4 years ago. it has been very...
Hi to the newbies, I am also one as well :) and also hello to all non-newbies :) I have had panic disorder for 20+ yrs, anxiety and depression on and off almost my whole life..... the most irritating...