Thank you. Your post helped to re assure myself.I really do have a sense of humor about it to others but I get down on myself when im alone I have to admit. I keep notes on email and on a pad of...
I spent hours the other day preparing a huge international order for a retail store at work. normally after finishing a task I take it off my list but surprise surprise- I forgot. So the next day I...
Thanks I feel pretty good about telling him too. I think it makes him understand a few odd things I do or dont do. which leads to my next question.... Look out for it...
So I was just told for a second time that I'm adhd. And this time I believe it. So what do I do? I impulsively tell my boss. Im not sure why I did. But its done now. He seemed simpathetic but was...
Aww thanks everyone. The appointment went well. The doctor seemed nice and perscriced me adderall but she was not comforting. But I guess that's not a psycs department though but I do have an app for...
I have adult adhd. Ive been diagnosed once but now I have to find a new doctor. I'm nervous. How will he know? What if he thinks I'm lying to get meds? I know I need meds and I need better meds that...