I'll try and make this as brief as possible! Female, 24 years old, non smoker, no meds. History of health anxiety. A few months ago I was sitting on my couch, hunched over, and working on my laptop....
Hi everyone, I posted a few weeks ago about how I think much of my health anxiety is caused by my concerns over my mom's health. My mom is 56 yrs old and has been a half-pack-a-day smoker for 35...
I know how you feel 3doorsdown. I'm extremely attached to my mother, so much so that I feel like I identify so much of myself with her. This sounds like the case with you and your father. Do you feel...
Thank you all for your kind words! 3doorsdown, I have heard of people developing health anxiety after the diagnosis or passing of a loved one from a disease. Although my mom hasn't been officially...
Hi everyone. I posted a few months ago about my recent anxiety issues and panic attacks -- especially my health anxiety. Since then, I've been attending a weekly group therapy session at my school...
Dear Scaredy Cat and Twiggygal, Thank you both for your positive support and replies! It made me tear up a little to read your responses, they were moving -- for once I didn't feel alone in this....
Hi everyone, I just joined the site after researching anxiety and panic attacks, both of which are a recent and unwelcome development in my life. I'm a 21 yr old female, in generally good health, and...