I am having random bouts of numbness in my face primarily in the left but sometimes the right side as well. It is accompanied by a strained feeling in my neck and been off and on for a few days. I...
I took a hydrocodone I had on hand just 1 for some back pain but now feeling a little panic coming on- can I take the klonopin also?...
Yeah I thought about just using the klonopin for now and seeing what happens. I only took a half so far today and feel pretty calm. I think a lot of this has come back PTS-my dad almost died in...
I ended up at urgent care yesterday and they gave me klonopin and Prozac which I have taken before. I just really don't want to be back on meds again. I can talk myself off the "panic edge" but...
So sorry to hear you struggling with this. I can completely relate. I have been having severe attacks for about 4-5 days. Finally went to urgent care today because me face was going numb. Of course...
I have been spiraling down hill in full blown panic. My anxiety is all health driven and I just can't get through it right now. I absolutely know that everything I'm feeling is anxiety-the...
I went to the chiropractor today for some pain I was having in my back that was radiating down my leg...( which of course I thought was a blood clot). And now I have pain and a headache from my...
I have had the same feelings-made an appointment with a doc for later in the month. Diabetes runs in my family at least-so it sounds reasonable to me or at least that is what I tell myself. I lay I'm...
I have recently started having heartburn very badly and many of the symptoms of GERD-I feel like the symptoms I am having are causing additional anxiety and feelings of chest pain, tightness in the...
I have suffered from anxiety for a long time. I have taken meds in the past but they make me numb and not myself at all. I have severe panic disorder with constant thought of doom and death. I check...