Funny, but I just told my spouse that I was giving it up and they brought up all the positives that they have seen that I didn't, so I suppose I'll try it some more. Apparently the effects are more...
I am stopping it because it's sapping my energy. Making me feel exhausted even though I get enough sleep, just make me feel like mud....
I was about to fill my Buspar prescription to start month number three and I don't think I am going to. I was recently sick with a nasty head cold and ear infection that dragged for a few weeks and...
Yeah I get like that too, I'm still getting over a cold/ear infection and my energy is very low, so I suppose that I have cancer or some sort of disease. Knowing that your thoughts are nonsensical...
Yeah, I'm doing it, why wait for heart disease to use time off.............. Going to call in and just state exhaustion, it's true. Plus I work for a Gov agency and have for a zillion years, so I'm...
Scaredy Cat I keep thinking that if I take a day off I'll regret it because it won't be enough or I might need another day of later for something else. I'm kind of old school in that i won't call in...
My anxiety is back up, more restlessness. Seems to have returned after being sick with a common cold for about a week or so, the exhaustion that commonly follows afterwards combined with an active...
Well it got me. Gastro issues that bring up memories of bad crawfish, no possibility of sleep (absolutely wide awake at midnight when normally I'm out). All that and I didn't touch my PM dose...
Just had a nice full glass of pink grapefruit juice and then came upstairs and took my 5M Buspar (3x Day this was noon). Then for some reason I remembered that the juice probably wasnt a good idea. I...
Try taking a warm bath and grab a magazine or a book and forget about anxiety for awhile....
Anyone have any referrals for teas that help anxiety? I'm thinking of going back to chamomile teas when I go back to work. Starting the day with one of those has helped in the past. When it's hot...
Feeling elevated this AM, a little jumpy and so forth but milder than the prozac issues I was having or the other SSRIs. I am still weaning off the prozac so that may still be having an effect. Took...
Caffeine for certain. I also try to avoid foods that leave me feeling too full or bloated, meats and greasy stuff makes me feel unhealthy so I try and avoid that too. Water seems to help with the...
Lexapro gave me bad panic attacks at the start, Prozac did the same thing to a milder degree. Since taking Buspar I have been elevated, but not outright panic attacks yet. I am still weaning off the...
5MG is pretty low, I was on 10 and it worker ok but I did not like the side effects (sexual, anxiety, etc). Therapy is usually a good idea but nothing is really magical. Anxiety seems to wax and wane...
Just a note, cleaning for a good period of time (normal stuff, not cleaning the same window over and over) seems to have a just as beneficial an effect for me as working out. I fortunately do not...
Buspar seems to be working good. Came home today and took my second dose of the day with a bid light. Must be working because normally I would not do that and I would worry and be concerned or do it...
So far so good with the prozac stop and the adding of buspar. No withdrawal at all from the prozac. Taking less and less Xanax, but when I do with the buspar it is heavier....
Has to be a placebo effect, but feeling VERY good this AM, more relaxed than I have for a long time. Did not take the prozac or xanax, only the buspar. I don't think it can work that fast??...
The 5MG 3X a day seems like a low dose. My MD seems to favor giving the lowest possible dose, hence the .25 MG of Xanax as needed which is the lowest possible and now the 5MG 3X Day which seems to be...
My MD called in a prescription for the 5 MG 3X day Buspar. Told me to wean off the prozac and that I can take Xanax with the Buspar if necessary. So I am going to reduce prozac to every other day for...
Called my MD and requested a prescription for something else, Prozac is NOT HELPING after 8-9 weeks but making things worse. Mood is TOO ELEVATED and making my hyper and jumpy jittery. Informed him I...
Considering this drug, the SSRIs all seem to have horrible start up effects. I am on Prozac now with the benzodiazepines and not having any success. Thoughts on BUSPAR?...
Today was rougher. Panicky in the AM due to a stressful life event/appointment, visitation with the baby and bio mom so I took a benzo with the prozac and it helped. However the stress of the day...
Another very good day, no need for the benzo again. Feeling very "in the middle". Prozac appears to have "sunk in". Very gradual process compared to the lexapro. Lexapro had a quicker response but...
Feeling much better today. Woke up not needing the Xanax to go with the Prozac. Feeling rested. Ready for more baby duty. Something that has helped with the anxiety is to remain active, not to the...
I am considering trying the over the counter GABA supplements for help with the anxiety. I keep reading that my Xanax works by releasing Gaba, so I thought maybe I would not need the Xanax if I took...
Had a couple mild panic attacks, would be called subclinical. Nothing full blown that would incapacitate me. I think the Prozac is starting to help with these. I remember that the SSRIs sometimes do...
Funny thing anxiety, it's usually about something we have to do in the future or something we did in the past. I like Fritz Perls definition, "The gap between the now and the later". Try to stay just...
When I am having trouble with anxiety and work I tend to take my meds in the AM, and that involves an SSRI and a benzo. I take the benzo as a precaution everyday for about a week and that usually...
Mine comes and goes too, I have to remind myself that when it is up that it will not always be and that most of my thoughts are exaggerated and baseless even though they do not seem that way. Meds...
I would seek another medical opinion. If it turns out to be anxiety it can be treated and managed. Go to your primary care MD and let them know about the ER visit and let them do the medical...
Also I think I just found one of my triggers. I love bottled green tea and I thought it was low in Caffeine but has about 11mg per 8oz and the bottles I gurgle are about 16 so about 22mg or about 1/2...
The Prozac certainly is taking longer to help with anxiety than lexapro. Usually after about a month on lexapro the benzo prescription that I use is only about half gone and it sits unused for...
Yeah, I suppose some anxiety is completely normal. Just so used to trying to subdue it that even normal anxiety seems worse than what it is. For me it always is reassuring that I am certainly not the...
Been so busy have had little time to update. Just took in a newborn baby(adoption) and of course had to take time off work. Was doing REALLY WELL until last night. Took my Prozac 20MG very late in...
Shaky morning with an elevated heart rate when I woke up. Felt like a very mild panic attack but nothing serious. Took my Prozac with a Xanax, that combo early in the AM seems to help a great deal...
Good day today, worked my buns off about a 13 hour day and felt really good towards the end. Only one Xanax today at .25mg taken with the prozac early AM. A little jittery at about 3-4 PM and a...
Better day today so far, although I'm complaining a lot and that's sort of a good sign, means I'm getting some of my old attitude back. When I start talking crap I'm getting back to the old me. I...
Just took another Xanax .25MG that is the second one today so one at 7AM and another at 7:30 PM. My understanding is that .25MG is a fairly weak dose and I should not be concerned. However I get...
Karen I try to just take the Xanax .25 MG once in the AM, and in the PM (early afternoon) I run into some difficult times. Also I am not getting gastro issues I think that are tied to the Prozac....
What I am noticing now after about 4 weeks of Prozac is a sort of low grade anxiety, a sort of edginess, maes me think I'm having a panic attack (very beginning) but never progresses to it. Just...
I seem to be more anxious sometimes when first waking up, any pointers for that? Also, sometimes in the afternoon. I am noticing that I am maybe having some mood swings. Feeling really good for a...
Yes I tend to save the Xanax and only try to use it when I really need it, and it can get worse as I wait. I don't want them to lose their effectiveness and I only really use them while I adjust to...
Ditch the drinking if you can, that may be causing a lot of your issues. Not a good mix with the SSRIs and Klonopin. Klonopin to my understanding is a bit more long acting for anxiety, but you...
Personally I did not like it, make me dizzy but I did not give it much chance. I thought about giving it another go but I have issues with depression and anxiety and the SSRIs tend to hit both. If...
Try the info in this PDF file from online that I ran across. Some of the ideas really helped me and I will use them with some of my clients and train staff on them as well. I especially like the...
Not unusual that the anxiety is draining your energy, although sometimes doing too much can worsen anxiety. Chicken or the egg? I certainly know that my experience is that when my anxiety starts to...
Dropping some drama will probably help. LOL...