Just wondering does anyone feel like a knot in the middle of their chests upon standing? Or just like sometimes getting up out of bed and stuff like that? Sometimes it feels like thinking about it...
Hey man I'm only 17 and I feel the same exact things your describing it feels very scary and the second I get one I jump up and go into panic mode I hate it -.- I go to the doctors and they just seem...
Nothing but love and support for you just know were all here and appreciate the light you've shed on the subject helps a lot of us clear our minds...
Hey guys I'm going for a cardiac stress test the 31st and I just wanted to know what should I expect to see or be.prepared for?...
So like I said I am from the anxiety forum but recently I have been hearing a lot about this gerd and was would wondering could this be what is causing my symptoms and not anxiety? Okay so here they...
And Drake yea man I've been trying thar for a while now -.- it becomes bothersome and annoying...
Hey ScaredyCat I'm not gonna lie man excuse my.French but you seem like a kick-ass dude your hallways there to help with the support and you really brighten up my day bro! I'm a young kid so you know...
Good luck I hope everything turns out allright man and I'm almost sure it will I noticed you said that you don't have much of a social life and don't have many friends well I just want to let you...
I'm glad I found your post I have to ask when taking the metoprolol how do you feel I was prescribed the same thing but my anxiety is so bad I couldn't even bring myself to the point of taking it /:...
I've been doing quite a bit of research and I've been reading places that anxiety can cause chest flutters I'm not to sure about the sharp headaches anyway, I never really thought much of it but...
Yea everything came back allright thank God the blood work as well its just you.guysknow how anxiety makes your mind play.tricks on yourself...
For those who get fluttering In the chest area I was wondering if when you guys get it is it right in the middle of the chest and if anyone knows why that happens also is it ever followed by...
Well lately my.anxiety has been worse then ever more chest pains and I'm really starting to think I have a heart problem even though the tests comeup normal :/ the pain is just so weird and not...
Can anybody point me to a webpage that lists support groups I can actually physically attend I'm in north Jersey by the way.could really use some help finding one don't be afraid to recommended a...
Please just call me Esteban and I think I'm going to hit the 3-4 year mark soon I remember the exact date of mY first panic attack lol...
I for one can say I have I have been stuck in a panic cycle for weeks now where I'm panicking everyday and I'm a high-school student so you can only imagine how much that sucks I just hope you can...
Okay so usually I panic because I feel chest pain or some bad dizziness then ill panic I have it understood that you get anxious thennnnn you feel chest.pain or arm pain whatever but mine happens the...
Idk I'm very nervous about taking the medicine so I haven't taken the metoprolol its jut.so frustrating to feel that pain or weird discomfort in the middle of my chest its scary really. To be honest...
Just to make sure were on the same boat I would like to know where exactly and what kind of pain you guys are feeling in the chest area ? Ohh and when as well, before or after you get anxious ? Thank...
So remember how I told you guys that I kept having chest pain and it would set me up for panic attacks well I finally went to the cardiologist and they did some tests & he ended up prescribing me...
Ahhh man I have some bad news guys today I panicked again I was disappointed my self but instead of going to the hospital I went to a doctor he gave me a bunch of prescriptions to get some...
Hey dude idk if this will help or not cause im not an anxiety expert if i was i probably wouldnt have such bad anxiety but heres a though for your situation of feeling worried about how you sound and...
Thanks a lot you guys I appreciate the welcoming and adilvice its great to know the community on this website is very kind and treats eachother like a family so as far as the anxiety goes I mean all...
I was also wondering of it could just be gas that causes the flutter my mom says.its gas that causes the sharp chest pains and what not it.would just calm my nerves to hear what other people think...
Okay so I have pains in my cheat area and fluttering as well as soon as I feel it it sets off a panic attack I had an echo cardiogram about a year or two ago and they said everything was fine as well...