Nights are the best for me. I'm fine when I wake up, but then I start thinking about the day, and the anxiety starts. Knot in my stomach, can't eat, sweating, nervous. I have work anxiety, so it...
At the worst of my anxiety I always could hear and feel my heart beating, it kept making me think I was even more anxious than I really was, which actually did make me more anxious. One time at the...
I can't speak for Paxil, but I suspect that all SSRI's have side early negative side effects for anxiety sufferers. I started Cipralex (Lexapro) about 9 weeks ago, the first week was hell, the second...
Here is one courtesy of Ekhart Tolle: As long as you are breathing, no problem is beyond solving....
This one I use every day. CALM THE 'EFF DOWN YOU CAN GET THRU THIS!...
Hello anxious angry, I found that drug took about 18 days to make a difference. I had a rough ride at first. Mornings were the worst, evenings we're good. Just remember to stick it out. I used to...
A belated update. What I ended up doing was about a 10 days at 15mg, then I graduated up to 20mg. I still had the side effects, mostly some jitteryness and jaw clenching, some gastro stuff as well....
It's been a couple of days, so another update. Two nights in a row I have taken the full two 20mg dose. The initial shock up-ed dosage side effects seem to be gone now. My jitteryness in the AM is...
An update: The last few nights I dropped down to 15mg. I still have some side effects in the AM, but not too bad. I went to a party on Saturday, had some beers and ate way too much food. It's good to...
Hello group, This is my first post here. So I'll start with a little intro. I have been having anxiety and panic issues for about 4-5 months now. They got really bad in Dec/january. I was off work...