So I'm making an appointment with my pcp to talk about me having fibromyalgia. I stumbled across it while trying to figure things out on my own and I feel like this is it and it makes sense! I'm...
Very strange but also happy to be not alone!! Monday i will be two weeks post operation. Since I've posted this I've only had one reoccurrence of it and that was two nights ago. I was really tired...
Survived surgery which i was deathly afraid of and got good results I was able to keep both of my ovaries. I am very pleased with the results and at ease. It's been a week and pain has subsided and...
Thanks for everyone's opinion I value all of it.. And it is a personal opinion I must make but I'm trying to see what others have experienced so thank you for all who answered......
I am afraid of the addiction part I know Xanax is addicting and pretty much I am afraid I will need it for the rest of my life I am only 23 and just now starting to learn how to deal with aniexty...
Two months ago I began Xanax I wanted to only take it as when I need it for stress and anxiety.. But because my stress and anxiety was incredibly high I ended up taking one a night to help sleep......
I find that interesting I never thought hormones played a part with heart palpating... I'm having problems with my ovaries so my hormones have been out of whack.. Which I kept asking the doctors if...
18 months ago I was walking down steps holding my newborn daughter I missed a stepped and fell backwards since I was holding her all I could do was hold her tight and let myself fall.. The back of my...
I have similar symptoms... From the moment I wake up I have a headache that starts from the back of my head to about to me ear it feels more so a pressure headache and my headaches began from when I...
I am glad I am not alone and people responded to my post 😁 I feel like I'm in it for a long run tonight I can't shake my aniexty tonight so I'm watching once upon a time to keep my mind on ease!!...
I'm 23 female two months ago I went to a very dumb obgyn for pelvis pain well he scared the living shit out of me by telling me I had a mass in my ovaries and he couldn't really give me much...