I presume from the posts this is a predominantly US site. In the UK we moan about the NHS but when I see other countries struggling to afford health care I feel very fortunate. I think every country...
Thanks larry I am going to do more exercise...
I have had a couple of consultations. Obviously it's not 24/7 but I get them quite a lot. I just want to know what's causing them otherwise you speculate. Take care...
Having CBT and my therapist wants me to talk to the media and doctors about living with health anxiety. <Edit> First time I have heard of a Dr. asking a patient to seek out this information....
Can't see my GP for 6-8 weeks so I paid to see a private one and he has referred me to a neurologist. I would like a diagnosis. Has anyone had constant twitching and tingling. Driving me mad...
Thanks for the reply I am not very fit, but am working on it...
I have seen a neurologist and my GP several times and they say there's nothing serious but I am worried its ALS. I've got lots of twitching and pain, I've had it 4 months. Thanks for the reply, it's...
Aching in my legs, tired and twitching can't believe this is all anxiety...
I have googled once or twice, made me feel worse...
I have had this for at least 3 months pain weakness seen GP and neuro nothing wrong even get muscle twitching. I am trying not to focus on it. No what you are going through. Taking sertraline...
I find nytol quite good, not the herbal one...
You really need to see a professional to make a diagnosis. I don't think going on Internet health sites is always a good thing. This could be just anxiety and depression, I suffer from anxiety and...
I know this drug as sertraline. It works well for me and I have had no side effects. In the uk it is prescribed quite a lot...
I have had visual hallucinations when I have had lack of sleep. I have actually seen things move across the floor. Auditory hallucinations are a symptom of schizophrenia but as the doc said other...
Sometimes I feel so tired I just can't keep my eyes open, I could sleep round the clock and then other days i am the opposite, doesn't make sense...
If in doubt I should see a doctor otherwise you will worry and possibly make the symptoms worse. I could be stress and anxiety, but if you see a doctor you can rule out any illness and you will feel...
I am now having CBT to help with my fears. Thanks for the advice, you are all lovely people...
Bi polar can be very difficult to treat, you have to get a balance between getting too manic and also too low in mood. They normally use mood stabilisers. I am surprised your wife hasn't been...
I get them a lot mainly in my legs and feet but also in other parts of my body. I also get a lot of pain. I have seen several doctors and have had an EMG, which all came back benign. I have been told...
Can't fault you. I wish you could get retail therapy on prescription...
Also used for severe anxiety...
We're i come from we call the drug venlafaxine and it is sometimes used as an anti depressant and anti obsessive medication. We tend to use Prozac and sertraline. As with any medication talk to your...
Thanks kitt will do. He can be a bit addictive...
Deal. Lets ban dr google...
Had muscle twitching on and off for over 2 years. For the last 3 months I have had bad twitching, pain and cramp in my legs. The docs can't find anything wrong. I also suffer from health anxiety....
Suffered from health anxiety for a long time. Never believe what my doctors tell me. Constantly looking at health sites and scaring myself half to death. Can't get out of this cycle...
I have noticed lots of bruises on my legs and arms. Don't know where they came from...
[i think I have got ALS even though I have seen 2 neurologists and my GP several times. When I look in the Internet my symptoms seem to match. I am so scared. Anyone else in this situation...