Have you gotten any results on this? I’ve been having similar issues in my right calf. Soreness and twitching but not red, swollen, or hot. I went to the ER they just looked and said it wasn’t a clot...
Hello all, Just wanted to update for anyone who might stumble on this forum post. Had an endoscopy/colonoscopy today. Both exams came back normal. Doctor just wants to do a gastric emptying exam...
Update: had an appointment with the GI today. He did H.pylori breath test and drew blood to Check for celiac disease as well. We scheduled an endoscopy for 4/17 and he was very adamant that gastric...
Thanks so much for your response. I saw my PCP originally who was the one that mentioned stomach cancer. That is what really triggered the anxiety for me. As I said, I have dealt with traditional...
Hello All, The last week has been a bit stressful for me with some digestive issues. For about 6 days now, I have felt unusually bloated, have a lack of appetite and am burping with reflux a lot more...