yeah im thinking could be gluten. Just have some anxiety at times but its actually gotten better/ thanks for the help....
I've been having ibs like symptoms for a few months also bad reflux which I've never had before. Doc told me I had a spastic colon but beside bloodwork and xray I've had no other tests. I have no...
So around my 2nd rib cartaliage on my right side near my sternum I have a bump. its hard and you can slightly notice it in my chest with some long swelling. When i lay on my side it feels tight in...
now some time has passed. gallbladder came back overactive but not causing my chest pain. I do believe i have costo and Tiezte because of the swelling around my 2nd or 3rd rib. I had a chest xray...
i also have this around my 2nd rib cartaliage and have a hard lump as well. Ive had a chest xray but wondering about a MRI or mamogram. It scares me because i read Tietze was rare.. Have you made any...
well i also believe i have swelling which is considered Tiezte syndrome. Its frustrating because both arent well know. I need to see a specialist. Im just worried that I will always live with this...
I am having this as well. never had reflux issues really til I was diagnosed with costo. I feel there HAS to be a connection. Antacids dont really work for me. It first started off has sharp...
This chest pain really effects my quality of life. My doc diagnosed me with costo alothough it doesnt hurt to put pressure on my costal joint i have pain coming from the area connecting my ribs and...
Well since ive had a scope done and had no damage from reflux they said my esphagus was fine and for having such sever swallowing pain i should show damage. I did read this on one site only but seems...
thank you. yes thats what i assumed it wouldnt just come and go. but i also believe i have costochondritus and didnt know if the swelling could cause swallowing pain near my esphagus. :( its only on...
Help anyone please I need advice! I've had the craziest symptoms and don't know what to think anymore. I'm 24 year old female, was 118 when this started now I'm 105 from not eating because of pain....
Also forgot to mention doc said he thinks I har ibs as well. But GI hasn't told me that yet...
Also been trying and taking Prilosec Prevacid Zantac and was even on protonix for a short bit...
Scope showed no* damage and negative for h pylori...
yeah i figured it could be related to those 2 things, its like everytime i move like left my arm my shoulder pops or same with my knee ect. so of course my brain goes into overload like its never...
i think so its kind of like the chicken or the egg for me i can never tell....
SO when all my health problems started ( still havent found a true cause ) its been over 2 months. I lost some weight from not eating from pain swallowing and now my joints pop all the time. ones...
We have similar stories. I am 24 year old female. One day 2 1/2 mo ago I got chest pain around the time I was moving to a new apt by myself and my bf was moving 2 hours away. I went to the doc said...
I just went through this mine has even been going on 3 weeks. went to the doc mentioned it once didnt really think much of it the 2nd time he had me checked for a bloodclot (negative) now that was 2...
Thank you for always responding to me and being motivational!...
Heres an update im sure you all have seen me post many questions trying to figure out whats wrong with me. I started my therapy today it was just the initial meeting but he diagnosed me with...
yes deep down i know it probably is but theres always that what if. Never had to deal with all these physical symptoms before its overwhelming it can all me ONLY anxiety...
im all for treatment already been a few sessions starting a new girl monday but still worry i have something :(...
It's so consuming!...
also have muscle twitching :(...
yeah its back to the old neurological fear that my muscles are wasting away! This all came on suddenly 2 1/2 mo ago, i had chest pain then i couldnt swallow without pain for a month. Had a large...
Thanks all, hazel... I had an endoscope done but i think to determine gred they have to take a sample or biopsy. But he said i had no damage from acid reflux....
Im back. Still waiting for therapy to start monday and to date my test, abdominal CT scan (when i had a kidney stone), bloodwork a few times, abdominal ultrasound, HIDA scan, and chest xray all have...
yes had a doc apt today and he reassured my about my chest pain said it was costo. excited to start therapy and get back to myself. Still not sure about the zoloft doc just put me on. worried i wont...
yes i have been seeing a school counselor and also starting therapy monday. I hope all this is anxiety. My lastest fear is that its lymphomia in my chest. I know all this stuff is irrational i just...
i just feel like my symptoms dont match :( im very anxious but cant tell if its because of my health or what...
symptoms burning pain near second rib on right side muscle pain on right side esophagus spasms should shoulder tmj arm pain leg pain tingling twitching IBS swallowing problems weight loss (from not...
i cant tell if i have anxiey from my health issues or health issues from anxiety :(...
I have been on and off sick for a while now feeling very weak lost 15lbs in 2months from not being able to swallow they said was from anxiety. Just stareted meds down from 118-103 and feelings VERY...
I just started taking zoloft how come you didnt like it?...
I am getting to the bottom if it now I hope they figure it out soon....
I have had this with a slew of other symptoms and its starting to freak me out. including chest pain and right upper abdominal pain so im fearing its something serious causing the pain...
im also experience sciatica nerve pain in the right leg and cant help but fear that its related to my OVC fears. and the pain ive been experiencing...
i just started zoloft he told me to come back in 2 weeks and i should know a inkling of something prob not much though...
yes i know i think it could be mid cycle pain as im inbweetn 2 weeks before i start again im pretty sure. have you ever experience ovulation pain for 2 days, mines pressure in my hip and thigh and...
i just started zoloft im 105 lbs on .25 for now made my stomach a little upset...
yes i know i keep telling myself my CT scan when i went to the ER for suspected kidney stones would of shown something if i was in so much pain from it. Also had an abdominal ultrasound which may of...
thanks for asking. not too good my HA is really stressing my BF out. It ruined my Bday, still 90% of the time feel like somethings wrong achy hip and leg today still doesnt help the HA...
I know cysts are common but I'm 'mid cycle' and been experience pain ans pressure inside my right hip and above it also my thigh. It freaks me out. Wondering if anyone has experienced this before? Is...
ok keep me posted! im only on .25 now upset stomach for the first 2 days so far :(...
so many ppl ready but no replys :(...