Since Lexapro is for both maybe I should try the 20 ! ;/ what happens is i am scared i get a lot of scary intrusive thoughts. I have a doctors appointment on tuesday !Ill post what he says. Thanks...
Yes ! The only thing I that troubles me is that I feel sad. I feel like i don't want to do stuff or i don't know if it is just my ocd. I am scared of getting sad too, depression ocd.I get a lot of...
I have pure obsessional compulsive disorder and GAD. I been trying different pills but it is hard to find one that works. I took Lexapro for almost a year and it worked , i had panic attacks less...
Yes :/! I really don't know what to do. I am really feeling bad. I am scared of going to any place because of the panic attacks. I go to work and to other places but i am anxious the whole day. My...
I am very sorry you are having hard time. I am going trough a really bad OCD / anxiety break down. I just want to tell you I pray God helps you and your son ! Take care!...
It helped me to read a book about OCD, to teach myself how to recognize anxious intrusive thoughts from real ones and stop my compulsions like checking , asking or thinking about it obsessively...
Hey I have OCD and GAD. My ocd is mostly obsessional and i have thoughts like yours, I doubt things and I worry about my thoughts. I can't even make a list or all the weird thoughts that i sometimes...
I have tried many things for my GAD and Mainly obsessive compulsive disorder, my doctor decided to put me back on lexapro. The first time I took lexapro was when I was 16, because I had a bad case of...
I am very sorry .My dog is pretty much like my kid, I love him so much. He is always there for me when i have panic attacks. I am very sorry :(...
Intrusive thoughts for me are not like real thoughts. It is more like like what if ? what if i never get my life back ? and then i panic. OCD thoughts make no sense it is pretty much being anxious...
Thank you so much for answering. I know somehow i am not crazy, because most of the time the things I fear , I fear those before actually having experiencing anything! Example, the other day some...
I was having a break down. I have been diagnosed by two psychiatrist and one psychologist that specializes in OCD with GAD and Purely obsessional OCD. What happens is I took viibryd,my family doctor...
I don't know who you are , but believe me ! I suffer panic attacks and I send you all blessings and prayers! may god help you and don't feel alone . I just had panic all day! and I am here ! it will...
Maybe this is a dumb thing to ask, and maybe I am just worrying for nothing but still I need help. I have Pure obsessive compulsive disorder , GAD and panic attacks. I have tried zoloft, lexapro,...
Hey! I have pure ocd and generalized anxiety disorder. I have ocd , but its primarily obsessional. Meaning I obsess about random stuff .I don't always had it but when I am under a lot on anxiety it...
I have had no good experience with SSRI most of the time, it stops working for my ocd and anxiety, cause me to get more anxious , and sleeping problems. I feel really tired and annoyed I have been...
Thank you so much. I just think I have had really bad luck, the doctors have not been helpful, I have even gotten really mean staff. I just really thinking maybe anafranil could help me. Or i don't...
Hi ! I am off meds completely. I been this way for about 2 months, just when I thought I was getting better. It all went down fist week of this month. I am in a constant state of anxiety. Most of the...
Right now that I just posted all that , I start doubting myself and I feel a lot of anxiety. I usually research and try to find answers about what happens to me, but I feel is just my compulsions. So...
Thank you.Well I could be sitting here and then I could hear a noise that sounds like a voice, or song, or whatever any noise. I immediately think " OMG did i just hallucinated a voice , song,...
Hi! sorry I was freaking out and wrote really fast :S! Merrida I have taken many SSRIs. I took cymbalta for 7 months until I could not sleep, took zoloft for 5 months, took luvox for a month( I could...
I am having a hard time dealing with my OCD , Anxiety and panic attacks. After realizing that SSRIs do not really work for me. I usually get very bad side effects , or not help at all. I have gone...
Hi! I am suffering from really bad anxiety too. The only advice I can give you is don't pay attention to people take make you feel worse. Focus on people that care about you! Turn of the phone and...
So it has been a year of suffering terrible anxiety. I have never in my life suffered anxiety for so long. It all happened after my last intent of using SSRI. SRRI's only work for some time for me,...
I will try anything but this SSRIs because they usually say that the side effects last 2 weeks to a month. Well for my Cymbalta withdrawal I experienced 3 months of withdrawal. For Lexapro a month...
I am just very scared of how I feel. I have problems sleeping , then issues waking up. When I wake up I feel dizzy is not like just sleepy. I feel lethargic and I feel fog sensation like i can't...
Like how does it feel to have depression ? I have problems sleeping , then issues waking up. When I wake up I feel dizzy is not like just sleepy. I feel lethargic and I feel fog sensation like i...
Thank you I am just wondering what is happening to me. Like the doctor said it could be that I am depressed but I feel more like I feel bad because of SSRI side effects and also I have really bad...
I have Pure Obsessional OCD and GAD. I have always had them since I was 12. Ignored it and had almost no problems with it until I was 21. I had panic attacks and also a lot of anxiety.I started to...
Hey I have the same thing ! I am having a lot of problems because of taking prescriptions, none work for me I get tons of side effects. Well what has helped me is to realize that I have Pure...
I am sorry you are not feeling well. I have Pure obsessional OCD and also GAD,I discovered I had this at your age. when I was a kid I was scared of death and just the thought of that made me have...
Thank you, My insurance doesn't cover my therapy . I will change insurance so it does. I am looking in to that.I got a book for OCD,It somehow helps me but then I have the tons of anxiety.I will try...
I can't stand it , I feel lethargic, dizzy, I can't breathe, heart palpitations, nausea and so many other issues , its like a weird SSRI syndrome. I go to bed at 3 am because I can't sleep when I do...
I stopped the prozac I took it for 12 days and I feel extremely sleepy and nauseous. I am having that feeling again as when I stopped the cymbalta like 10 months ago, then I took lexapro and I was...
Thank you! No I was just feeling hopeless and panicky with the medicine. I have heart palpitations all day and at night I can't sleep because of the heart palpitations. I also have panic attacks and...
I am having sleep problems too ;(!! PLEASE HELP :S!...
I decided to try prozac again as my psychiatrist recommended . Yeap well I had sleeping problems I can't go back to sleep at a normal time because of anxiety and once i do its so hard to wake up and...
OMG !! I hope this does the same to me . I been worrying like, if I don't talk to my friends I think" OMG i have social fears or something" if I see something weird " OMG I am hallucinating , I must...
I took it today in the morning , I mean I feel a bit the same but not so panicky. I still have really bad intrusive thoughts or fears. Those intrusive thoughts are like worries like thoughts that...
I told him many of the things that I felt. He said yes I have the Pure obsessional ocd but also I have GAD. He says I should try prozac even thought I took it for a month. It made me manic :/, he...
By the way your story ! I am truly amazed ! I complain about my last year of bad pills. I know what you mean it really sucks to be searching desperately for something to help, my doctors Idea of...
I suffer of pure obsessional OCD and GAD with tons of panic attacks. I have taken 5 antidepressants and none have worked for me. Some work for some months then i have to quit them because of the side...
I am waiting for my appointment on tuesday. Right now my panic attacks way better. I have a really bad anxiety, I can't even say all the things I worry about it its just too many. My pure Obsessional...
I have been with therapists before , 4 of them. But they are not covered by my insurance so I had to pay 100 at least out of pocket :/. What happens is I went to the clinic they get all cases there...
BREATHE !! I have had anxiety and panic attacks about for 8 months, sometimes panic for hours. Lay down and breathe really deep it will make you dizzy but it will help. download a meditation sound...
Since I have going crazy, harm , self harm "pure O" OCD, going to a psychiatrists associates office its the most scary thing ever. I felt ashamed, I felt embarrassed, and guilty. I went to...
Yeah Also right now I am at some point where I only have two parties and to be honest its boring. I am almost graduating,my fiancé is a med student he is out of town right now. I also have gone...
I know what you mean I am not a fan at all of violence, I don't like weapons, I don't like zombie movies or anything like that maybe because of OCD or i just don't like that kind of things. I am...
Thank you sometimes is confusing! and to S2S , I don't harm myself I am scared of harming myself but I don't want to. It is an OCD thing it makes me fear things that I don't want to do. Like a...