The past 3 months I've been having a constant tingling in my face and arms/legs. My legs started feeling very heavy and it became hard to walk. I used to exercise a lot but felt I couldn't even...
Had strep throat about 8 weeks ago. Since then i've been getting a feeling that food is getting "stuck" in my throat and also having trouble breathing. Dr Gave me Prilosec to try for 2 weeks. I tried...
I do have a dust mite allergy but never had problems like this before. No one retested for strep maybe I should have that done... It's hard to know if it's all anxiety or actual physical symptoms...
Woke up this morning cant breathe through my nose at all I'm so concerned everyone insists anxiety but I'm not sure......
Yes it's been considered but it just came on suddenly. Thinking back I had strep throat about 8 weeks ago since then I have not been well. Started out with tingling and muscle spasms all over body...
I've had to go to a mental hospital before it wasn't so bad. As far as heart beating I'm having that now. I'm feeling short of breathe all day and night as well haven't slept in weeks. I know what...
Just to add a preface I'm a 29 year old male relatively healthy before this time period....
The past two weeks been feeling short of breath all day even at rest. I haven't slept more than a few hours each night as I feel I can't breathe well. When I do get sleep I'll wake up with my throat...