Thanks for sharing your experience Ishiman. Anyone else ever had to do a barium swallow? It's all I can think about lately and I'm getting so nervous :(...
Ishiman, when you say that you were in the bathroom right after were you throwing up or having D? I've heard that they have flavored barium now at some places, not sure if the place I'm going to will...
Hi everyone! Next Tuesday I have to go for an upper GI x-Ray series with a small bowel follow through. I have to drink barium for this procedure and that's what's making me nervous. I've heard that...
SC gave a great example. That's the funny thing about anxiety.. If we think about something long enough, we actually start believing that it's true. I've been dealing with stomach issues the past 2...
Hey guys, guess who's nervous again? This girl! :( Next Tuesday I have to go for an upper GI x-Ray series with a small bowel follow through. I have to drink barium for this procedure and that's...
I'm so sorry to hear this news, Kitt. Sending lots of prayers your way. Xo...
Hi SC and Kitt, thank you for your kind words. Thank you for being there, it truly means a lot to me. I feel like I'm stuck in a vicious cycle right now. Most of my anxiety has to do with what's...
Hi guys! Just got home from my GI appointment. I was basically diagnosed with IBS. I'm just a little confused because I always thought IBS was either dealing with constipation or diarrhea and I've...
Tomorrow can't come soon enough :( Now I've been looking up symptoms of parasites and I'm freaking myself out....
Ah yes SC, just two more days! These past three weeks have gone by so incredibly slow. I'll keep you guys updated :) xo Sam...
So I got my results for my lactose tolerance test today and it came back negative! I'm happy about this because now I can have dairy again :) but I'm also not happy about it because that means that...
Hi guys, so if you don't already know I'm a 21 year old female. For the past two months I've been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety. I woke up today thinking about how two months have passed...
Thanks Jocipher, I really hope these are all symptons of anxiety and will go away. They're tough to deal with and I've been waking up every day for the past two months not knowing what to expect from...
Thanks for that post SC, it always feels good to know I'm not alone. It's like with each passing day, if something seems out of the ordinary I over analyze it and freak out. I've literally become...
I've been feeling really lightheaded and yucky since I've had the lactose test and I've been having this tightness in my upper abdomen quite often since that test too. I get my results for that on...
Hi guys. I'm a 21 year old female. So for the past two months I've been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety which I believe is causing my stomach to be completely out of whack.. Lately I've been...
Thanks for that post SC, I read it several times before going in for my blood work to calm myself down :) Just got home. Boy, was that brutal. The stuff I had to drink was citrus flavored but of...
Hi guys, I'm going tomorrow morning to have the lactose tolerance blood test done. I'm aware that it's three hours long but has anyone else done it that could tell me a little more about it? I have a...
Hi guys, so I've never been diagnosed with IBS but I'm not sure where else to post this. For the past couple of years, I would have about 4-6 bowel movements a day. They were never diarrhea, they...
Audrey, my sister actually deals with anxiety too and when she gets anxiety she tends to throw up. I don't know if that had anything to do with my fear but I remember my fear being really bad when I...
Thank you SC. Met with my therapist again this morning. I asked her what kind of approaches she takes in order to treat her patients and she said talking and giving her patients ways to cope with...
Thanks Aubrey. Like I had mentioned, before my anxiety started up full force, I would go to the bathroom 4-6 times a day and deal with some cramping here and there but I was used to it and it didn't...
Thanks SC. Yes, I would like to see the IBS stress relief material. I have another appointment with my therapist tomorrow morning. I'm going to mention all the stomach problems I've been having and...
So I was thinking again this morning and I realized that if my stomach problems that I'm dealing with right now were gone, my anxiety would probably be gone too. Just to remind you what's going on...
Aubrey, so sorry to hear that you're going through a rough patch again. I hope the Lexapro works for you again like it did before. Like you said, you have to do what you know you need to do to get...
Went to see my therapist today. She was very nice. Didn't really get anywhere but I'm assuming that's because it was the first appointment and she was just listening to what was going on. I was just...
Thank you Cyn :) I'll be sure to keep you guys updated! xo Sam...
I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon :) Fingers crossed & lots of prayers to God! Btw, talked to my "ex" boyfriend earlier and told him that he might be the cause of all my problems right now....
Thank you Kitt and Cyn :) That's exactly what he's been saying, he didn't want to tell me the truth because he didn't want me to be upset. He's done this with situations before where he expects me to...
Thank you for sharing your experience Cyn :) I hope this is a step toward me recovering and enjoying life again. I can't wait to be my happy self like I used to be because I sure do miss it. I want...
I just don't want to start all over again with someone new. We were together for 2.5 years. It sucks that I had to break up with him because he lied, not because feelings were lost or because we...
Thank you for that post Cyn. When all this started, I felt so helpless and alone. It's good to be able to talk to people and have them listen. That's usually what makes me feel better, is having...
Thanks Cyn. I've been thinking a lot today and I think my anxiety might be stemmed from depression. Is that possible? The day before my anxiety started I was with my boyfriend. We had been trying to...
Thanks Cyn, I just want more than anything to naturally get through this. I've always been such a happy, positive, fun, goofy person and it's like anxiety took all of that from me within one day. I...
Thanks SC. I just wish I knew what the right option was :( but I certainly know that I don't want to experience what I went through last night again. My parents have been getting really frustrated...
I'm highly considering stopping the Lexapro :( even if these side effects go away within a week, I can't imagine suffering for that long. I'm afraid to take it in the morning because then I have to...
So I took the 10 mg of Lexapro before bed and boy do I feel awful. I ended up falling asleep on the couch for about 20 minutes which made me think I was gonna get a good nights sleep. WRONG. I was...
Here I am holding the Lexapro pill and scared to death to take it. I just want to get better on my own, I don't want to believe that I need a pill to get me back to my happy life. Need advice please...
I don't necessarily have the runs, especially not since my anxiety started. Ever since my anxiety started, I only go either once or twice a day and it's a normal bowel movement. I've been trying to...
Hi pinky, I do have some xanax still to get me through the start up side effects (if there are any). Actually, my doctor told me to continue take them for the first few days. I asked her if Lexapro...
I think I'm going to start my Lexapro tonight before bed.. Very nervous. I've been through hell and back this past month and a half and don't even want to think about my anxiety getting worse before...
Hi everyone, I'm a 21 year old female. For as long as I can remember, I've had a huge fear of throwing up. When I was in elementary school, I saw a therapist for a couple months because I had a...
Thank you for your kind words, SC. They truly do make me feel better. After coming home from the doctors yesterday and hearing that she wanted to put me on Lexapro, I went straight to google and...
Hi everyone, thanks for checking in on me :) Just wanted to give you some updates. Got back my results for gluten sensitivity & celiac disease, both came back negative! I visited a new doctor today...
I feel like I'm waiting an eternity for these results and I just keep thinking the worst :(...
Hi guys, sorry I haven't posted in a while. Sometimes I feel like reading stuff on the internet drives me nuts lol so I decided to stay away for a little. Been going through a bit of a tough time...
Hi everyone. I'm 21 years old and a little over a month ago, I was going through a bit of stress. I'm a junior in college and was prepping for my finals. I was really pushing myself to make dean's...
One thing that I've learned since coming on here is that you can't be negative. Negative thoughts will only make things worse. Don't believe that you're going to experience bad side effects. Have...
Hi pushon, Sorry but I haven't heard of lexapro before. I wouldn't necessarily say I'm new to the whole anxiety thing, but this is the first time I've had to take medication for it so I'm not...
Hi guys, having another rough morning. I'm probably doing the worst thing I can do... Use google. I was on google reading about xanax and everything I come across says that it's such a bad drug. When...