another update same day i spoke to my sister and she calmed me down for if something was wrong surely hed refer me there and than. migraines run in my family as well and ya and i need to think clearly...
So I had my appointment and got prescriptions for glasses but he also said my optic nerve is blurry but I don't need to worry for I don't gave nausea, vomitting. I have had a headache for a week and...
Thank you Cornell, Hibee and ScaredyCat for welcoming me ^^ I actually had a doctors appointment this tuesday about my hair thinning situation and i was referred to a derm and i totally forgot to...
so i have an eye exam for the first time since i was a baby next week Wednesday. Im 20 now and knew that my vision was deteriorating since i was 16 but was always in denial that it was actually hard...