You own your own business that tells me allot and your health is affective by what you posted. It could be you are over worked and you are suffering from anxiety depression. I hope you take it easy...
Getting off depression medications and cause and affects but don't worry, in time your body will remind it self and you will come down from it. You may need a different medication for sleep, have you...
Heart broken and go for what feels right....
If food is the cause of your anxiety it must be that food is the problem. You must put in your mind that the food you place in front of you is good food and you would like to eat. If you do not like...
On or two things you must do or not do, do nothing or do something about your problem....
Love yourself and the world will love you back....
Depression can hit home but the good news you can make a change in your life. By telling yourself things are going to get better and slowly come out of your shell. What I mean come out of your shell...
Anxiety can happen to just about anyone who goes through allot of problems. Anxiety is like a mountain that slides off. Anxiety could last for minutes, it is like a waiting time process. What causes...
What should a person do with anxiety? When anxiety happens its like a mountain and the anxiety needs to slide down the mountain. Anxiety could last a few minutes or longer. Medication like Lorazepam...