Hi there, NoMorePanic, I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I was curious about your comment that you had been on low-dose Prednisone for a long time and then quit cold turkey. Was that...
I would say it is often RECOMMENDED by medical offices to take someone along with you on a doctor's appointment. Good physicians know they are rushed and that having another pair of eyes/ears there...
Hi aimz, Anyone on Prednisone deserves to rant as long as they would like (and frankly, I think the drug even makes us hypertalkative at times)! It sounds like you've gotten plenty of awesome replies...
Hi Red_34! What a bummer! The eye infections have been the strangest part of my own UC diagnosis -- they seem so completely unconnected to my colon, and yet it just reminds me that the human body is...
Hi there, Carioke65, I am so sorry you are having such an awful flare-up -- that's the worst! I know there are lots of great suggestions around these forums and lots of people who can empathize with...
Hi again, Skyflyerjen, There are always so many great pointers around these forums. It is nice to have somewhere to turn with questions, especially since a chronic illness diagnosis is a HUGE...
Hi there Bri, I remember my first serious romantic relationship as well -- it's a life-changer, to say the least. So many new and exciting feelings and experiences while things are going well, but...
Hi Skyflyerjen, What a day you had! That is enough to bring anyone to tears. I feel like I can relate to some of your concerns about speaking up at your doctor's office. I have some questions I was...
Hi there rfm1982, I'm so sorry to hear about the trauma you experienced recently. My heart goes out to you along with the others here. You are doing the very best thing for yourself by reaching out...
Hey Tryingtohavehope, Nice to find you over here too. Thanks for sharing more about the Conscious Transitions program, savruby. I've stumbled upon it a few times in my own research and wondered...
Yeah, medication changes can be hard enough on their own. It sounds like you know that. You sound like a very capable person! (There is no shame in turning to our parents for comfort when we need it...
Thanks for your honesty. From personal experience, I've seen how working on issues with a therapist is like soccer practice and then trying to apply what I've learned in an actual relationship is...