Thanks Scaredy Cat He switched my medication because I was vuilding a tolerance to the Xanax and instead of upping my dosage, he thought this would be a better move because it is longer lasting in...
Hi everyone, My Dr. just switched my medication from .5mg xanax 3x a day to Tranxene 7.5 mg 3x a day. I am really nervous about switching medications and the possible side effects. Is anyone...
I do dtlrink caffeine but try to limit my intake, I am also a smoker which is not in my or my anxietys best interest but I did stop drinking completely about 2 years ago, one of the best decisions...
Hi all, day two after the benadryl, still shaky and heart rate still a little high...I am now wondering if this is my ocd and anxiety making me think it was the benadryl...Im restless and not...
Cat, I am currently taking Paxil and Xanax... My anciety just felt alot more intense today after taking 3 benadryls yesterday, I was very shaky, on edge, and my heart rate was pretty high, well it...
Hi everyone! I am new here, but thought I'd reach out. I have been dealing with GAD and OCD since the age of 15, now 28. It has gotten worse as I have gotten older. Any who...I took benadryl last...