The symptoms have gone away a lot. I think they settled down after I slept....
I just got back from a 4 day trip. I come home,settle down,and eat breakfast. Around 7 AM,I went for a walk. When I came home,I noticed that I had 3 mosquito bites. 2 on my left arm,and one on the...
For some reason, I have a pain in the back of my neck,and my neck is stiff. The stiffness comes and goes often,I feel twitchy,me arms feel achy,and my arms/legs have been feeling weak for the past...
For the whole day,I've been feeling odd and new symptoms that have seriously worrying me. I've felt super weak in my arms and legs,nerve pain in my neck,head,arms,and wrists. I've been having...
So,for most of this week off,I've been having symptoms similar to a stomach ulcer. I have abdominal pain. Specifically, in the breast area,and on my lower left and right sides. I did have...
For the past 2 weeks,I've had arm and leg weakness,tingly hands,feet,and fingers,chills,shakiness,occasional blurry vision,body aches,and occasional headache s. And now all of a sudden,when ever I do...
Yesterday I had a major panic attack over a pain in the lower right area near my ribs. My tempature was fine,I wasn't coming or feeling nauseous, and the pain I felt was mild; I could still walk...
I made the mistake of exercising before eating. When I was about to eat my brunch,I felt a pain in the middle of my stomach. Then the pain moved to my hips,which made my legs feel weak. I called my...
My left arm feels weak,I've had a migraine for that lasted for most of the day,then disappeared. Now,my head is starting to hurt again. Also, my hand(left feels tingly) I feel shaky,and cold. Is this...
I don't get migraines often at all. The last migraine I had was years ago....
I forgot to mention,but I have a cold as well....
So,I started menstruating on Thursday. Yesterday, I got a migraine,then fell asleep,hoping it would go away. I wake with the pain still there. An hour or 2 later,I eat breakfast. Afterwards, I get...
Edit: I just woke up,and I had shortness of breath and I was trembling....
I'm not going to write a whole paragraph,so I'm just going to pinpoint what I've been feeling this week; Interrupted sleep(waking up about every hour) Whole body feels achy. The pain is dull, and...
No,I haven't. When I went to the doctor for my anxiety attack,they said my heart was fine....
Lately,I haven't been feeling well. During gym, I had heart palpitations,which scared me,and I had them last night when I was about to fall asleep. About an hour ago, I got pain in the breastbone and...
Ok,thank you. I am going for my physical on the 31st,so I'll get to see if I'm fine then....
I had my first panic attack during the summer. I went to Patient First where I was told I had anxiety. I've had it ever since. The last time I had a physical was sometime in December of 2014....
Lately,I've been having rib cage pains,shortness of breath after doing short sprints,and yesterday, my arms felt weak. This week and last week,I felt fine. But on Thursday,after walking,I came home...