Thanks for your replies. insanely relieved. I'd recommend sedation if you have the camera. I went without and wish I'd have been a bit more relaxed....
I have a 2cm sliding hiatus hernia They also suspect h pylori I hope things can start getting better now :(...
I did it! They found a hiatus hernia and think I have h pylori...
Thanks Hibee x...
Hi everyone I haven't posted for a while as I've been trying to keep my head busy. In case nobody remembers me, I joined the forum following a diagnosis of GAD and health anxiety. I'd been suffering...
Thank you for replying. I don't like taking any drugs so I'm. Planning on having it without sedation. Just the numbing spray....
I spoke to my doctor last week who suggested I have a gastroscopy. I had a letter today with a date for next week and now I'm terrified. I suffer with health anxiety and I have regular panic attacks...
Thanks SC I feel a bit calmer than I was yesterday. I long for the days when I could just play with the kids or jump on the motorbike and be free for an hour. I want my life back :(...
I've been to the doctors and suggested that when my symptoms first started I'd had to lift my daughter on my own from her wheelchair to the sofa. When I did it I felt something pop... just underneath...
And thank you for the hugs. They really are appreciated x...
S.C Her adrenals don't work so she doesn't make cortisol so I have to try to mimic the body's natural pattern. The 4am isn't all the time thankfully. Only when she's unwell so only a couple of nights...
I'm seeing her tomorrow so I'll ask her. I have midnight meds to do for my daughter then 4am and then 6am so I've got a busy night ahead of me so plenty to keep my mind going...
Like rescue remedy? I have that but since being on the lyrica I'm petrified to take anything. I had a propranalol at about 6 as my chest was aching from tach so I won't dare have my bedtime one now....
I'm literally in a state of panic though. Even panicking about going to sleep because I'm petrified of waking up in that state of panic again. I'm scared of the feelings. I'm scared there's something...
I can't see any end to this. All the things that have helped over the years are now just useless. I'm in so much pain. The dizziness is terrifying. I'm always so logical about things nowadays and...
That was so brave to go and face it.... what an inspiration ❤...
The chest pains go up my throat and into my ear too. My head is pounding. :(...
Ugh is vile. It's the worst feeling ever. I've been dizzy for days following a tummy bug. I suffer from ongoing chest pains which the doctor says is down to anxiety or maybe costochondritis or maybe...
Thoughts are with you x...
I have looked on the box.and it's 20,000 units of D3. Do you experience palpitations with costochondritis? Or a reaching heart?...
Thanks Sherrine. It's been quite a while since I looked up there so I'll have a recap in the morning as it's late here now. The doctors diagnosed costochondritis about 8 months ago just before they...
I will ask gp when I speak to her on Thursday. Thank you for the reply...
I don't know if I can make this make sense but I'll try. I've had a couple of ecg that have shown nothing unusual however I'm having alot of skipped beats lately. Also if I move, or yawn I'll have a...
I now have a dilemma.... I missed my lyrica last night. I'm down to 25mg at night only now. I'm tempted to just not take it anymore as I've done a whole day without it now. I'm worried about anxiety...
Thanks for your replies. The doctor told me to take nothing until Thursday and see her again so we can decide what to do x...
Thanks for your reply Hibee There are no known interactions between the medications apparently....
Hi My doctor told me about 6 months ago that he thought I had fibro. This was after diagnosing costochondritis, anxiety, health anxiety and me still.not accepting the diagnosis. He basically told me...
Sorry about the random full stops... stupid phone puts them wherever it likes X...
The doctors have lost patience with me. My oldest daughter has brittle asthma and bronchiectasis. In July last year we also discovered her adrenals have failed and my youngest has Autism so they just...
Caffeine is a huge trigger for me. I have tea in the morning but then I switch to decaff. I've also quit pop. I used to drink loads of pepsi max but even one can now with make my heart race and send...
Thank you for your replies. The reflux is definitely something to look into. I have heartburn daily.... I live on Andrews and ranitidine so there could definitely be something in that. I'm kinda...
SC I'm trying, I promise I'm trying as hard as I can but I'm petrified. I miss him already:( His mum asked me today to arrange a motorbike escort to the church so I think she's trying to busy me with...
The doctors aren't supporting me at all. I had ecg and bloods which came back clear.... I've now had these chest and back pains for almost a year. The doctors started me on lyrica. They cause me...
Hi :) I haven't posted in a while as I've been trying to get a grip of my anxiety and accept the pain that I'm being repeatedly told is anxiety when I pretty sure it's not. I have a friend who I grew...
I have gained a considerable amount of weight too but I don't know if that's because I'm so much less active than I was. It's a bit if a vicious cycle to be honest :(...
Hi I have been taking lyrica for about 6 months now. I was prescribed it for pain and anxiety. My starting dose was way too high.... I'm really sensitive to medications so I never need a dose as big...
Thank you for your replies. It means alot that someone cares enough, to read and reply. *touch wood* my anxiety seems to have calmed over the last few days. It's still there bubbling but there's a...
Back in February my daughter had a simple surgical procedure which she reacted very badly to and she ended up in a wheelchair. She has had ongoing health problems with bronchiectasis and brittle...
Is massively triggering my anxiety and nothing is working to calm me down. I gave my daughter a cuddle earlier and she unlocked her knees and yanked on me. I know I'm stressed out.... I don't usually...
Larry, I'm so sorry to hear about your son in law. My thoughts are with you. I've spent the whole night awake with my thoughts.... ugh, I wish I could escape them. Vicious cycle of intrusive...
Pulse us racing. Every time I fall asleep I think I must stop breathing because I wake up with a jump gasping. My throat feels like it's closing up and I'm having awful palpitations. None of my...
I totally get this post. I also get the feeling that my heart has been encased with jelly and every time my heart beats my insides are trembling. It starts with the heartbeat then streams through my...
Thanks for your replies:) We've had a busy few weeks with summer holidays and a camping trip with 4 kids and surprisingly, I've managed to stay much calmer than I would have at home. There's alot to...
Hi 😊 I've been reading for a while now but was nervous of posting, but some of the things I've read on here have been helping so much that I wanted to try taking the next step, and saying Hi. So.......