I have had severe anxiety for several months now and just recently sought help for it. Back in August or September my doctor prescribed me 10 mg of Lexapro and I asked him if I could start out at 5...
Thanks everyone! I was hoping that since I had already had some in my system I would be fine but just wanted to be sure. :)...
Hi everyone, I'm currently prescribed 10 mg of lexapro but I asked my doctor if it was okay for me to start with 5mg and he said that is fine. I've been on it for a couple months and I'm not looking...
Does anyone know any online resources for getting over a sexual assault? It happened over 2 years ago so it's not like I need any of the medical resources. I think a lot of my anxiety comes from not...
I also deal with bad health anxiety and I find that medications help me not have panic attacks about my health (I get something in my head then I have full fledged panic, like right now I'm panicking...
Obviously I'm not asking for you guys to tell me your deepest secrets, but I'm wondering how do you guys talk to your therapist in a way that truly helps your anxiety? When I talk to my therapist, I...
First off, I believe this post may be for the depression thread but since I've only really posted in this thread and I'm a regular member of this thread, I thought I'd post here first. My whole life...
I should expand this by saying for example, when I get a headache with a strange sensation I start to panic about a brain aneurysm or when my leg hurts I feel like I have a blood clot or when my...
Anyone else feel that their anxiety symptoms make their hypochondria 100x worse??? I get dizziness and brain fog from my anxiety and then my anxiety makes me believe I'm dying...
My period affects my anxiety because I usually get anxiety when I begin to feel uncomfortable. Cramps, moodiness, upset stomach, digestive issues all cause anxiety for me. I'm sure it also has...
Hey everyone, Just wondering if any ladies out there have noticed that their cycle was disturbed and thought it could be anxiety/stress related??? I am two weeks late, and have had cramps the entire...
I have suffered from derealization and depersonalization (but like you said, because of weed) and have recovered. After a period of a few months or so (when I smoked) I was severely depersonalized...
SC, So my doctor said the same thing and I was like yeah that sounds about right. And then when I was at work yesterday I was having chest pains and my arm started going tingly and numb. I was...
Hey guys! I just started on lexapro (5mg for now, then gonna bump to 10) it's working great already!! Feeling good. But I've been having really bad chest pain on my left side. I've heard this is a...
You'll do great!...
Random questions Scaredy Cat, Your signature says "panic syndrome recovery due to CBT" does that mean that you don't take medicine and that you think CBT has really helped you control your anxiety?...
Sometimes I get symptoms that feel like I'm sick (nausea, dizziness, diarrhea) but I can't tell if I'm actually sick or if it's just anxiety :( Because I know multiple times before when I thought I...
One of my biggest triggers!...
Anyone who has taken Zoloft (sertreline), what side effects did you have? I'm starting on zoloft again (I haven't taken it for a couple years) and although I don't remember it effecting me negatively...
Yes I used to throw up every morning too!! I'm glad I'm not alone, but it sucks we have to deal with this :/ Thanks everyone for posting!!...
Thank you for letting me know! I also have health anxiety so I freak out about having a serious illness or something...
Any one else get really bad stomach issues with anxiety? I feel like my anxiety causes me to be nauseous and have diarrhea and was wondering if it's normal - other times I think they go hand in hand...
Also try to remember that anxiety causes a lot of physiological symptoms too, that can make you think it's something more serious...
Aaron, I've been dealing with the exact same issues. I finally just got up the nerve to go to my doctor and get him to do a full physical exam, he did a neurological exam (check the senses and...
Okay great thanks for answering! I don't think I gained weight before on it but fingers crossed...
Thanks everyone for replying, my nausea is going down and my appetite is coming back! I really do hope it works because I need my life back!! Anxious Scientist - do you mind me asking if you...
Hey everyone, So I was on Zoloft for a couple years for depression, and stopped a little more than a year ago. Well, currently I'm not depressed, I'm just severely anxious with panic attacks and also...