You can`t say yes to everyone..... or they well put you back in the dark hole you just dug yourself out of. in other words "Learn to say No" Practice Practice Practice... "That which does not kill...
Hey there, My symtoms have just recently changed...Instead of the intense shaking and derealazation and a pounding heart beat, I now have intense upset stomach, with nausea and I guess acid relux,...
when you can touch your neck without measuring the size of your lymphnodes.... These threads are great, thanks for the laugh in a tough time....
I have been nausea and had an upset stomach non-stop for the last three days!!!! I can`t eat the foods I use to, and I feel that I will never will again, this makes me very nervous.... I have a big...
Please Help, I have had an upset stomach with nausea and a lump in my throat for three days straight, I wake up in the middle of the night with the feeling that I am going to Vomit, but nothing...