Xanax is great, except for some people it can be highly addictive, because the effects can be felt immediately. I found that its the only thing that helps my anxiety and it doesn't require you to be...
Well i find that drinking is the only cure for my panic. But i agree with smiler, I usually waste half a day controlling hangeoverish things until I just break down an pour another drink. I love my...
Thanks for your responses. I know for a fact i have Gerd, i have had multiple operations in the past 5 years to expand my esaphogus to prevent food from getting trapped. I was just wondering about...
I think addiction and long washout periods can be an issue. Lets face it maybe Xanax works a little too well....
I experienced this a long time ago and know how daunting it can be. But rest assured if you are not crazy yet you will never be crazy. A very good friend of mine came down with schozophrenia, and he...
From my understanding chest pains come more in the form of "pressure" rather then pain and that most sharp pains are the result of muscle tension. Ofcourse im nothing close to a doctor and just...
The internet can aggrevate anxiety, my word of advice is to stay far away from the heart forums!...
I have the silent kind of GERD - the kind that prevents you from swallowing your food but doesnt cause any out of the ordinary pain. For the past 6 months or so i have been getting minor to moderate...
I think it can be a healthy reaction to be afraid of pills. Sometimes we have to listen to what are bodies are telling us....
Im really looking for some good relationship advice. Currently, im involved with in a 2year relationship with a girl that i love very much, but i hate our relationship. We live together and the...