My heart goes out to you. I suffered with that for years and went through years of therapy which didn't address the biochemical causes of my symptoms. My doctor was so supportive (took me a long time...
Hi Mary-Ellen, Yes, I'm in the US - pardon me for assuming the rest of the world is too - a nasty group personality flaw we have here. That said, *please* don't give up on...
Hi Mary-Ellen, A toxic work environment is exactly what sent me into a clinical depression and severe anxiety, which led my finally being prescribed for those conditions. I immediately went on FMLA...
LOL - Thanks CWH- actually it was a Thai Coconut Dal - quite delicious. Mea culpa, mea ultima culpa; no more going off meds without docs guidance. (You mean....I'm not the first one to do this?) :-)...
Bless all of you - - thanks for taking a moment out of your day to respond. DB: Irritability would be an understatement~ :) I am very willful. If my addictive nature ran that way - I'd probably be a...
Thanks all for your support & comments. Yes - I went off unsupervised. The episode cumulated today in very intense behavior which included me throwing a bowl of lentil soup against a kitchen wall. It...
I had a complete episode today - completely lost it - literally. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. It is so F#$*&G typical that I'd write this glowing entry of being off meds and then lose it. It...
Wow! Thanks for the responses. It's nice to know that there are really people out there listening. My husband is a very good barometer for my behavior. He will notice negative changes way before I...
Hi all, (Disclaimer: My opinions about my condition only apply to me; I have no opinion or judgment about what others need to do for themselves. Thanks~) After five years of 200 mg Zoloft 1-2Mg Xanax...
Hi, New to the boards. Have terminated my meds 2 months ago after 5 years and just wanted touch base with some. Daily, I was on 200 Mg Zoloft, Xanax - 1-2 Mg and Ambien when needed. I weaned very...