What are your doctors saying to your symotoms?I would keep on your doctors and tell them how yur feeling, it may be nthing bu it could be worse, and its best they know exactly how your feeling so they can prescribe something for you staketo aleviate your symptoms.Welltothe forums,I hope other will have more to offer, but i think th doctors are your main source of help right now as far as what to do top help alleivatehe of t your symptoms. But we are here to listen and offer advice where we can, have you been tested for gerds for the reflux,there are meds to help that, im am on protonix to help, i also have a hiatal hernia too. ithelps that.i also have gastroparesis, which is parlyzation of the stomach, i have to take reglan it is a motilty drug that helps the food digest faster, which alleviates alot of the reflux for me as the food is not just sitting there like it was casuing me to vomit and have real bad reflux. Do you have a gastrologist
you may want to try asking some questions in the gerd forum. There is
thread in fibromyalgia about the gastroparisis if you want to pull that up and check it out. Good luck I m sorry about your shoulders, i hope you feel relief soon,, take care....