Uh..yep..From time to time my glands hurt or get just a bit enlarged. I've also been having a bit of a problem with my breathing. I do have asthma, but this seems to be a bit different. Can't really explain it.
Just took more tests from my rhuemy who said I don't have RA. After the tests came back, he said I have a false positive RA Factor. I do have to question this. He states there's no swelling, my GFR and Sed Rate are normal and there's no swelling. Negative Anti-CCP, etc...but positive RA Factor. My first RA Factor was 79.5, then 66, 54 and now up to 73. Doc said he has no idea why my joints/bones hurt. As for the redness that comes and goes, he told me to go to the dermatologist. But my redness is not "on" my skin but under it. He wants to see me back in the beginning of Jan-09.
Also, there are new findings in my labs and he said not to worry. My ferriton was 16 a couple months ago and then went down to 13. Now it's 11. (ref.range: 10-232).
My RBC (LOW) is 3.87 (ref.range:4.20-5.40),
HCT is (LOW) 35.3 (ref.range: 37.00-47.00),
MID% (HIGH) 6.3,
Alk Phos (HIGH) 125 (ref.range:34-104),
Globulin (LOW) 1.6 (ref.range: 2.3-3.5),
A/G Ratio (HIGH) 2.8 (ref.range: 1.2-2.2),
Vit.D -8.5 LOW! (ref.range:36-232)
High Calcium Serum
I've had the high Calcium Serum for a long time but all the others are new. Had the same tests taken 3wks.prior and they were normal. Why shoud it change so much in just 3 weeks?