Take the humira. It is absolutely fantastic if it works for you, initially I could actually run again. A huge percentage of arthritis sufferers have wonderful results and there appears to be very little side effects. I get a small amount of itching around the injection site, thats it. Sinusitis is not life threatening, it depends on your doctors of course but now I'm only taken off humira if its a life threatening infection. I have a weakness for bronchitis (suffer from asthma) and initially they were taking me off humira to fight the bronchitis but my flares off the humira were so horrendous that now my rheumy has permission from my chest doctor to keep me on it unless I develop pneumonia. Unfortunately it is no longer working as well for me now but I seem to be an exception. I think it probably is still working just my arthritis is still refusing to go into remission. But I had a wonderful 4 months pain free, go for it!