This may be a repeat question, and I may have already read the answer in the many posts here. But I wondered if others feel really tired alot of the time?
I am tired alot lately. I go to bed early and except usually in bed NO later than 11pm, lately its been 930 or 10pm. I live in Canada, and its winter here still, and the weather is playing a toll on my RA too. I am achy all day everyday, even taking pain meds they just seem to
sometimes dull the pain but more times than not I am left wondering why I wasted my time even taking the stupid things anyway. I am on 400mg daily of plaquenil, and 25mg of amitriptyline daily as well as 1000 units of vitamin D dailly. My rhuemy has told me to stop taking the plaquenil on fridays and saturdays as she said its time to ween me off of it.... So definitely all weekend I am in lotsa pain. I work at a partime job and ofcourse cause I am just the part timer I get guess what...weekends. I am a cashier at a grocery store so lotsa work with my hands and lotsa standing all day, add that to taking no plaquenil.....ugh.
of course when I say Im tired and achey....I get that look ...the one that says your always tired, your just lazy, outta shape or something. Its got to the point if someone asks "how are you today?" I just answer fine thankyou how are you. I know they dont really want the true answer. They dont believe it anyway....its frustrating.
I go see my rhuemy in april...that will make it 6 months since she saw me last. She goes 6 months at a time before seeing me, crazy.
Any way... thanks for letting me vent. I better get offline and go to bed, dont need to add to my tiredness.