Nana Monster said...
I've had RA for close to 50 years and I'm only 56!!! I was on dr meds for many years and finally had enough especially with the
new crap they have out there that can actually kill you. Kidney and liver damage and failure, brain problems, heart problems,
blood problems, various types of cancer, etc. I'd rather hurt and be alive. I use Darvacet when I can absolutely Not kill it with
my herbs.
For a cheap and good fix....Gin and Raisins. Just like on Paul Harvey! Take Golden Raisins and soak them in generic gin for
a week and then take 9 a day. It really does work.
Bromelain is a natural inflammatory.
Yucca Root is a natural steroid.
Bio-Sil will rebuild cartalidge worn down from years of use in the joints.
Super Cissus RX will rebuild muscle and tendon damage from use and stress in joints. Has a natural painkiller built into plant.
There are many good herbal books out there. Prescription for Natural Healing is my herbal bible. I now have 7 really good
books on herbs and many pamphlets on herbs. There is so much out there by Mother Nature that drs have no clue about.
My heart specialist is the only one who was into alternative and with what I was taking and what he recommended I haven't
taken any meds for the ticker in 4 years.....I was on Toprol and Nitro!
Nana Monster
Hi Nana Monster,
I will definitely try your suggestions.. Of course we will continue the meds but if we can eventually wean him off methotrexate, that would be great! I think we will try the Yucca Root and Bromelain (hubby says he would rather eat the pineapples than take the supplement). What do you think ... do you think he would be better off eating the whole food rather than just the extract? He is really feeling his arthritis in his knee and elbow. What do you think of vinegar for help with calcium absorption?