WearyRaSuffer, don't worry, we are definately going to take meds. The RA doc has started DS on Azulfidine. We go back in Dec. I am also looking into trying to incorporate foods and vitiamins in to our diets that have anti-inflamatory properties. I firmly believe in a good balance of conventional medicine and common sense alternative medicines. ( the common sense vitamins, mineral, and ect. would be applied after consulting the doctor of course) Thanks for voicing your concern. Fyi my son is 12 so of course he told me he like the gin soaked rasins idea. Honestly, I doubt he would eat them anyway because he doesn't like raisins.
I will say with all the research I have seen, it really depends on the the person. Not everyone responds to current medicines so sometimes people will search for other answers to aleviate the pain and discomfort. I refuse to critsize others for trying alternative ways to cope with chronic illness. I have had Chron's disease for more than a decade and I know many have used the whole gamate of drugs including remicade. One of the ladies almost died every time she used remicade none of the drugs are effective so she gets resections every 3-5 years and takes absolutely nothing.