Dose anyone else get Annoyed with the Name of our illness ? Rhumatoid Arthritis ?
i get So many people say oh yes i get that in this shoulder or oh my Granny has that in her big toe, or you should try Lemmons,or beetroot or Excersize it helped my so & so Ahhhhhh no not Arthritis (although i'm not lessening the effect of that either) but see RA is a Systemic Disese it effects Everything heart,fatigue,liver-- well by now they are talking about
something totally diffrent or looking at me as if i want sympathy or i'm a Whinging Lazy person that just needs more Lemons in there diet cos it helped granny's sore toe.
Why can't we get a Cool name "Systemic die a little each day itis" or " rhumatoid Disease" lets take a vote think up a name that actually says what we have. Whats in a Name- heaps