You may want to check this out.
When I had wrist surgery Wednesday the doc loaded me up with a form of pennicillen in my iv. On my way home (120 miles) about 2 pm, my arthritic right shoulder was killing me, it was hurting much worse than the wrist (and I refused a nerve block, so believe me I was feeling the wrist), even after getting the iv fenatal (spelling??) and downing 20mg. of oxycodone as soon I was concious. I took another 20mg of oxy as soon as 3.5 hours passed and in about 15 minutes got much needed shoulder and wrist surgery pain reduction. Also I did not feel any of my usual joint pain anywhere. I normally hurt in my toes, R ankle, R shoulder, both elbows, both wrists, both hands, and most fingers. I stayed on oxy 44 hours and thought that was keeping all my usual pain totally away. Yesterday I took my last oxy at 10 am because it was preventing me from getting any real sleep, I could only fitfully doze. Just to be carefull of interaction I waited a full 6 hours and started back on my Norco but I took 15mg not the usual 10. Since then till now I've been taking aprox. 12.5 mg every 4 to 6 hours BUT only for wrist pain. I still don't have my other usual pain and my R wrist ROM is greatly increased and pains only when going to the ROM limit. I think the antibiotic knocked out the inflamation. I got a tick on my leg several years ago that made a round red spot with a sore hole in the middle that took longer than usual to get well. I told my rheumy about the bite and she did a lyme disease test and she said it was negative. I had another done by a neurologist I was seeing for nerve pain and numbness, she also said it was negative. ( I say was seeing because she had me try gabbapentin-didn't work, then wanted me to take cymbalta, I'll keep this personality thanks but no thanks Doc) Now I believe the tests are not picking it up and I do have lyme. Why else would antibiotic knock out inflamation (this is the third day and I only had a little pain come back in my R knee this afternoon)? I did a little looking on the net and saw that a Dr. in Mi. that treats folks with fibromyalgia tested and found lyme in 40% of his patients. Could it be many of us with RA could possibly be infected with lyme? I'm going to also start reading the lyme section and try to find some answers. I also saw on the net many times that the standard by which lyme is diagnosed is flawed. I know lyme does not cause all RA and certainly don't want to give anyone false hope but I think all of you should try to remember if you've ever had a tick bite. There is a Florida research lab that is supposed to have a better method of checking blood samples for lyme but they are not performing any new lyme tests at this time. If this post could only help just one person wouldn't that be really great. I have not read many old posts so I may be beating a broke down horse, if so I apologize. The nuerologist told me she suspects I have one of two genetic disorders and wants to test my DNA. I declined, may reconsider if the numbness makes it to the knee! Since I had a pain free day the 3rd day after 1 mtx injection maybe I'm just insane and it's all physcosomatic. Guess I'm havin one of those days and needed to say something stupid. Now maybe I'll just go bang my head on the wall!
May GOD Bless (if you are so inclined) and I wish you all the very best.
Any input would be appreciated don't be a bit, shy lay it on me!