Posted 7/23/2011 12:16 AM (GMT 0)
I just had a hysterectomy 3 weeks ago next Monday. I had to discontinue my anti inflammatory (Mobic) 2 weeks prior to surgery and miss 1 dose of humira prior to surgery. I kept up my mtx and prednisolone the whole time. Seemingly the mobic can have a side effect of thinning your blood and so a possibility of haemorage. The humira my rheumy told me to miss a dose incase of infection after surgery. Which I did develop by the way. She said it was probably a precaution to go on an anti biotic just in case, but I ended up back in hospital on a drip. No one wanted to take any chances.
Hope that helps, my surgeon said nothing except abou the mobic , it was my rheumy who took me off the humira dose. So ring your rheumy and check.
Goodluck with it all, when are you having the surgery?