Hi Vannie, i'd been reading all responces and didnt really want to put you off trying Humira as they say Everyone is diffrent,
i used the pen and occasionlly it Hurt like Heck-Burned But then Rhumy told me to apply the ice pack Before injecting i was using it after to cool the burn But if you put it on first it sort of numbs the area also the pen is really easy to use especilly if you are at all needle shy,
Now for the Bad bit, i am Awaiting results to see if i have MS as a possible result of it i found no huge noticable benifit and did have a Bad headache lasted 2 weeks and felt really Flat alot worse fatigue. so then when blood results came back indicating toward Lymphoma or cancer it was stopped the Blood returned to their sort of normal,but the loss of balance,memory loss,numbness continued. the Nurologist says there is a Definite Demylonation happening but tests will tell to what degree i still have a few weeks to wait to find out. so i guess for sure try it as you have heard it has helped many But also Be vary aware of changes and let your Doctor know i found my doctor acted when my Rhumatologist was more oh it will take time etc you know your Body Any thing you feel is Wrong Take Note.