This is all new to me, so here goes. It is very helpful just knowing others are out there for support.
My husband is having pain in his neck and head, then down his back, and into hips and down his legs.
He is, of course, stiff and very sore most of the time. The neck has benn stiff off and on for some time, so he saw a chiro. Seemed to help. The other stuff just came along suddenly. So Gp did the Medrol
dosepak. That helped. Then injected cortisone into neck. Temporary. Sent him to neurologist. He did MRI"s of head,neck, back. Blood work was neg but for Sed rate. Everything was NEG and just ordinary for 67 year old as far as some arthritis. He has been very active, golfs a lot til lately.
Has to see a Rheumie, but can't get in for 2 months! So was given 800mg Ibu. Doc didn't offer any more than that. He's having trouble turning over to get out of bed, and is feeling weak. Very scary.
Thanks for listening, and does anyone have anything close??