Jeanneac, I always remember having my knees so swollen I couldn't put my jeans on, I was shuffling around trying to walk, within weeks of going on mtx my swelling was way down. I think mtx really controls swelling. I hate it if I have to go off it for any reason.
But remember to drink lots of water when you take it, that whole day just keep up the fluids otherwise you can get a headache. I also had to increase my dose of mtx slowly as starting out at 20mg I felt really ill. so my dr started me again at 5 then after a few weeks increased it slowly until I reached my 20mg target. I have no side effects from it now but it is a heavy duty med and follow your pharmacists advice plus you need regular blood tests with it to check out how your liver is coping. Having said all that, I love this med, it really helps me.
Hope it works for you, best wishes, golitho