I'm sorry that you are feeling so bad Momto3. :( I know it is particularly difficult when we have Kids to look after.
I was on MTX with all the biologics I was on but didn't specifically take them both on the same day. I haven't felt bad fever wise with the two meds combined. I'm recently off MTX now because it's not needed with Actemra after it's kicked in plus I had bad ulcers on my tongue.
Low-grade fevers can be a symptom of RA. Having said that, you sound like you have a higher fever? We are prone to infections.
Just a shot in the dark but hopefully and most likely it's not your case. I ended up with blood poisoning one time because I had a UTI that I barely noticed. I got anti-biotics which evidently didn't work. Later, achy kidneys, high fever, nausea, chills, exhaustion(collapsed on the floor). I felt terrible. My Hubby found me and called 911. They started me on oral anti-biotics and 2 IV antibiotics plus another anti-biotic for when I went home. They said I was lucky that my Hubby found me and that I made it to the hospital. I DO agree.
I sure hope that you are feeling better today Mom. If not please seek help from your Dr.