hi there Rene,
first, go to school and graduate from the "I'm not Crazy nor Depressed University" and bring your diploma to your next O.V. ! just kidding!
your words are all too familiar. i feel what you're going through believe me. i was very very young when my illlness and symptoms started to show...had positive bloodwork, but the kicker is....my dr.'s still didn't believe i was ill even with super high RA serum, lyme titers, and the list goes on. i'm in the medical field now that i' m older, and constantly faced with patients who have the same dilemma.
you have to be your own advocate! i'de suggest:
1. write down the year this all started and what you noticed when and how and be specific.
2. get a good family history
3. i would stay away from any doc affiliated with the one you work for because you want an unbiased opinion and diagnosis. like a FRESH start!
4. know where the pain you're having is now. both sides of body, one side? joints only or muscles too? worse on exertion? feels better with rest? and take into consideration how it affects your daily life too!
docs need a little slap in the face every now and then when it comes to pain from unknown origin. many will blame it on depression or somatic disorders. remember, RA and a lot of disorders have no specific test. RA may be positive in people but they show no symptoms..others have negative RA but have all the symptoms and fluid and swelling.
you had mentioned bad fatigue also. at 38 feeling like you're 90 is not normal unless you do not sleep and work 22 hours a day....or there is really something wrong that needs to be addressed. i feel that with aggresiveness you will find answers.
most importantly...make that time line of your feelings and pain and specifics and actually give it to the doc. I've been told by many doctors that they actually are able to piece things together when a client has a paper to give them with everything on it about their symptoms..they're visually learners by nature!
be strong and never give up...being uncomfortable is no way to live! if you feel in your heart that there is something not right..you're probably right.
take good care,